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Irn Rvd

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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I’ve tried tirelessly and failed. Only pointers I could reccomend is try with a really good team first as it’s soul destroying attempting it with someone like Brighton in game.
  2. Results look good for this one but I just don’t see from the match highlights that it’s anything like a de zerbi tactic. Almost no short passes between the centre backs and cdms, and very direct all the time. It’s a very tough recreation for sure.
  3. Cheers everyone!! These all look interesting. Not what I was expecting, and I was failing miserably, so that’s a good sign.
  4. How did you get on with this? Final product? I’ve been testing with Brighton and struggling a little bit. I have tried many different variations but the main things I try to recreate is the high possession numbers and beating the press with play through the middle four. Reslly struggling. About to give up lol.
  5. Tested this out and it’s a cracker. Tons of flowing beautiful football. I’m seeing player animations I’ve never seen before.
  6. Oof exciting. You seem like a tactic guru. Don’t suppose you have a peps Barca tactic? 🤣I am shameless. I tried to get the de zerbi recreation working for so long, then moved peps barca. The possession stats away from home are making me so sad as it just doesn’t make sense to me. I watch the game and I have the ball the whole time then I watch extended highlights and percentage of possession is 50/50 lol. I know it’s me and not the game but sometimes I blame the game to help me sleep at night.
  7. What’s the possession numbers like with this one? I really struggle for possession against 4231 away from home for some reason. This is with all tactics not this one specifically.
  8. This looks very promising. Congrats!! Gotta be right up there with one of the hardest recreations with the current ME. look forward to seeing the rest.
  9. @Kevinho7 How did your tactic turn out by the way? I’ve been doing a recreation of this as well recently.
  10. Pass map and ppms look good. I was never able to to test it with tries to play way out of trouble which might be helpful for when the pivots are marked. focus play through the middle is a must for me but makes the tactic work really badly (most of the time). The left and right backs are just ball recyclers up until the final third normally, and without focus play they end up being the main deep passers.
  11. It’s really difficult as you have to play low Tempo to bait the opposition with the bottom box and then somehow make the front four play like they are on a high tempo.
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