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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Hertha BSC Berlin

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  1. Bence, Márton and Palkó Dárdai - and they even all play in the same team: Hertha BSC in Germany (Bence in the second team). Bonus: Their father, Pál Dardai, is their coach. You could sign him as assistant as well … 😅
  2. I haven't had much time to play the beta yet, and will certainly do so in the coming days. There's only one feedback I have to give right away, because it's extremely disappointing: The club expectations are still extremely unrealistic - and that just completely takes away the motivation, because you want to play the "reality" and not become an international succesful club with a mediocre club in the first season. I can show what I mean with a very simple example: Placement of Hertha Berlin in the Bundesliga - in reality: 2019/20: 10/18 2020/21: 14/18 2021/22: 16/18 This season only still Bundesliga, because they have won the relegation. Current status 2022/23 after 10 matchdays: 15/18 Expectation of the club in FM 23: Qualify for the Europa League. That just doesn't add up at all. I'm a big fan of this club and naturally want the greatest possible success. But where's the fun in the game if the expectations don't match reality at all? The only realistic goal for the season would be to stay in the league at all costs. I really hope the expectations can be fixed for the final release, because realistically ranking your favorite club is more important than any feature.
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