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Everything posted by VoidVector

  1. Thank you for the answer, I know it's been some time but I hope the files I provided, both the save game and my own editor file can help track down the issue. If anything else is needed I will provide it, whether it be other files or more information. Like I mentioned, my editor file does have a large amount of changes, the only ones related to the nation itself being changing how a player gains the nationality by changing it from Consecutively to Accumulative, and bumping up the Youth Ranking a small amount. Other than that, all the changes are related to the league system, modifying the existing league as well as creating a multitude of lower divisions, as well as the finances of all these leagues. What I want to ask, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the players should gain a homegrown status when homegrown rules are added to the rules of a nation but that is not happening? Or is the issue something different?
  2. Any player who should have homegrown that are not in Europe or Japan do not have a homegrown status at all, and are not recognized as homegrown by the game. You can see the game version is 24.4 in this save I started with a random team from Peru. The latest update from a couple days ago was supposed to have fixed homegrown status issues, but it remains. This has been an issue since the update back in Febraury 29th. There are no steps needed to recreate this issue, there are no databases that could affect how the game is functioning. Simply a look at the information panel of any player who should have a homegrown status from nations outside of Europe and Japan will show that there is nothing. I add Takefusa Kubo as an example since he is one of the few if not the only player who can showcase how Europe and Japan maintain homegrown status. I originally raised this issue back in Febraury 29th, but it seems the problem I was talking about was either misunderstood or the team found a different bug regarding homegrown status and fixed it, but not the one I showed in the thread I made originally. I will also include the database I created for the original issue I posted in the other thread I created. While it does have a large amount of changes, the most important one is the added requirement of Homegrown players as a requirement for the leagues and cup competition. It will make it even more evident how no players are considering homegrown. In the first thread I created the possibility of it being an issue with the created database was suggested, but I hope this demonstrates this is an issue present in the base game. Peru_BaN_Final_v2.fmf
  3. @Zachary Whyte I will create a new thread later. May I ask what is the issue that was found and resolved? Because the issue I raised originally when the February 29th update came out and that I now show that hasn't been resolved is that players do not have their homegrown status in their information panel, and they're not considered homegrown by the game either when they gained it from nations outside of Europe and Japan. You can see the issue in the first set of screenshots of the original post of this thread, and you can see the exact same issue happening in the latest screenshot which is after the update that claims the homegrown issue was resolved. I feel there must have been a case of miscommunication or misunderstanding at some point, so I want to have a clear picture of what is happening.
  4. Brand new save, added different kind of homegrown rules since the Match Squad didn't work. Exact same issue.
  5. This is the save that made me realize there was an issue with the homegrown status in the first place, and it's in the exact same spot since I haven't played it since the update. Homegrown status for every Peruvian player is still gone despite having added homegrown rules to the league and cup competition, and the progress to being homegrown is still gone as well from foreign players signed at 18. And like in the original post from this thread, even youth intake players have lost their homegrown status from the club they appeared at. Is this because this save is from before this latest patch?
  6. It's not working. I opened the original save where I posted this issue from and no players had their homegrown status back. I then decided to start a new save to test, and the exact same problem persists. Europe and Japan keep their Homegrown status intact, while the rest of the world loses it. This is in a completely vanilla new save as well, so I don't know what the issue is this time. It's quite frankly disappointing
  7. That's great news, thank you. Would this also work on existing saves? Or is it only for new saves?
  8. What I hope the most is that the fix can bring back the homegrown status of players as well as the progress a player was making towards it. While this is a personal case due to how my database is set up, homegrown at nation players are an important aspect of it, as it's present in every competition and I hope the homegrown status is not permanently removed. The databse I will attach is the one I personally created for Peru, while databases for the south american countries not present in the base game were acquired from the megapack made by qwert2, part of arabFM. Peru_BaN_Final_v1.fmf
  9. If I may add to this, I decided to load a different save to test if it was a problem with my own created database or any other I used. I loaded a save I had ported over from FM23 that is completely vanilla, and the exact same issue happened. Players who should have homegrown status from South American nations/clubs lost it. And to add something else, it seems every nation that isn't European or Japan specifically has lost their homegrown status at their own nations. I checked every player in every African and Asian National Teams and they all had lost their homegrown status. I will also add a few screenshots from the ported FM23 save.
  10. I opened the game today post update, loaded my savegame and when I'm ready to play a match it says there are no homegrown players in my match squad. I then check my squad view and none of my players have the homegrown status. This includes players who came through my youth intakes, and nobody in my squad is seemingly going to gain it either, including players as young as 16 or 17. My own players, foreign players signed aged 18, players in my reserves and U18s, everyone just lost their homegrown status and whatever progress they had towards earning homegrown at club/nation is gone. And it's not just my squad either. It's every single team in the whole continent of South America, as well as South American players abroad who were homegrown at a South American team/Nation. I checked European teams since the Premier League and the Champions League have homegrown registration rules, but it seems they're unaffected. I will attach a series of screenshots to show the issue. I loaded a previous state of the savegame from the 3 rolling files, and same thing. I think the process of loading the save is making this happen, so I will keep the other one and the last save backup unopened and attach them all. You can see the issue more clearly with the cases of Vinicius Junior and Julian Alvarez. Vinicius Junior kept his homegrown status as he's trained at Real Madrid, while Julian Alvarez lost his which is supposed to be trained at River Plate and Argentina. I don't understand how this could happen or why it happeneded. I started this save before the update and as you can see I'm already a few years into the future.
  11. I can imagine the creator a skin doesn't use the default very often, so no problem. It's honestly a very small issue, just caught me a little off guard when I noticed it since I haven't changed any settings from the skin itself . It's supposed to have a compilation of all the Expected stats in a table like this
  12. Hi, the xG Table is empty when I check it both from the Data Hub and the league's screen as well. I'm playing on standard 1920x1080 with 95% zoom, and I've not edited anything from the skin itself. What could be causing this?
  13. I honestly can't even remember why I put it with 1999, how did I go for so long with it set up like that as well but you're a life saver because it worked. For now I've only tried it with max squad size, but I imagine it'll work normally now even with more rules
  14. Sadly it didn't help. The only rule in place is max of 70 players and it still happens. It also seems teams just don't register players they sign, regardless of when or how they signed them
  15. "Auto squad registration start date" does work after unchecking "Squad registration initial start date", and I'll give it a go with just that and the max squad size for a start. If things do seem to work using that, I'll start adding actual rules to see if the game handles it
  16. The problem is as simple as the title says, but it makes the database completely unplayable and I can't figure out what is wrong. Originally I had rules like Min Squad Size, Min Homegrown players from club or nation, max foreign players in matchday squad, but I've been removing them to try figure out what the problem is but nothing seems to work. Registration was something I had figured out, hence the rules I mentioned, but recently when I did tests for the 3rd division I realized this aspect seemed to go haywire. This is what the rules look like at the moment. And here is evidence of the issue, where three different teams from the three different divisions do the exact same. I've tried adding a minimum squad size but teams completely ignore it. However, for both the Libertadoes and Sudamerica where the only 'rules' are a max squad size of 45 and 3 goalkeepers things works perfectly. When I added a manager to take over a team I could register the entire squad without issue, and this was in a previous attempt when there were actual rules in place. I've tried copying rules from the base database such as Portugese first division rules using the Edit function and pasting them into the db, but it didn't just not work, things became even more broken with teams from the first division stopping to make any transfer. And just to mention again, this is all 2nd season forward. During the first season teams have their players registered and whoever they sign, whether for a fee, on loan or a free gets registered, but from the 2nd season onwards it doesn't work. Even going as far as the 2030s, things just remain broken. It's really annoying and really puzzling. Nothing seems to be out of order, and registration is something that I hadn't touched in a while after finding a set of rules that I liked, and only recently they seemed to just stop working altogether. Here is the database in it's latest state, with just the max squad size and domestic U21 players not needing to be registered. Peru_v3.fmf
  17. After getting some help last night on how to set up regional divisions and making sure they work, I added awards to them. I did it quick by duplicating an already working set of awards for the second division, then grouping them and putting the correct competition. They work fine for two, but not for one of them and there's genuinely nothing I can think of that would make the awards not work a The three leagues are carbon copies of each other pretty much, the only difference being that one has less teams and it's not the problematic one. The awards are at the bottom of the ID list because I've deleted and duplicated them again recently but just these don't work. It's really, really strange Edit: I forgot to add the file Peru_v2.fmf
  18. I don't know how early or late it might be for you, but thank you so much for the help. I did all the changes you mentioned and now I've got the 3/3 verified, and surprisingly no crashes. Now just to test how it behaves in-game and tweak whatever needs tweaking
  19. So I am creating a Peru database, I've set up the top 2 divisions how I wanted and they work fine, but when I'm adding the 3rd things go weird It says 0 teams are getting relegated from Liga 2, despite me having put that 6 teams have to get relegated Copa Perú is 3 regional divisions, and I've set up the promotion for all 3 correctly I'm sure Promoted Teams, Min and Max teams promoted as 2, 6 for the parent comp. I even have the FM23 pre game editor open to guide myself using the Vanarama N/S This really is doing my head in, and I was hoping I could get some help And I'll add the league file in advance. This is my first time making a database so I'm sure I've messed something up but I don't really know what it could be for this to happen. Thanks in advance Peru 25 Liga 3.fmf
  20. So I've gone through the painstaking chore of setting up a giant scouting network since season one, consisting of 29 scouts and our Chief Scout. But the problem is they do nothing. Every single scout has only one Recruitment Focus, and all look like this. Any position, Transfer, between the ages of 15 and 21, Minimum CA of 1 star, Minimum PA 3 stars. In this case this scout has the area of UK & Ireland. He already had extensive knowledge of all countries in said area (England, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland and Ireland). And not only that, but the scouts who are assigned to countries aren't sent on worldwide searches. No scout has, I don't know, Brazil and the Netherlands. All of them are set up this way, being sent to countries they already had knowledge of, and countries who are neighbors, for example here with Canada, Mexico and the US. And there's even three who only have to go to one country, in this case one who solely scouts Brazil, one who goes solely to France, and one who solely goes to Australia. And once again, nothing Is there something I'm doing wrong? Am I being scammed and my scouts are just going on nice vacations? Did I completely misunderstand how to set these up? I'd love some help because it's frustrating to feel all the time I spent searching for scouts and setting this up is just being wasted.
  21. Not 100% sure if this is the correct place, but Currently playing as Académica de Coimbra, and I qualified for the promotion playoffs You can see in the emails. The board and squad think we didn't reach the 'Liga 3 playoffs Meanwhile the supporters are happy we reached the 'Liga 3 B playoffs' It seems the board think the league is a singular one instead of it being two groups, and since there's no playoffs to qualify to then I failed the objective, while the supporters correclty expect qualification from our league group. I really hope this overlooking of something quite basic doesn't ruin a save I just started
  22. I loaded up my staff filters and started searching, and after clicking the + so the attributes I look for are higher, a message for Recruitment Focus appeared And when I clicked the check it did go and set up a recruitment focus. I managed to make it appear again by clicking the + and - a few times
  23. So for some strange reason when I decide to actually start using my analysts to my advantage they decide they don't want to work anymore For a little while I'd get no analysis after the games I played. I took out my Head of Performance Analysts out of the responsibility of doing said analysis, then put him there again and now we're getting them again But now when I check the 'Next Opposition' tab in the data hub I only get my opponent's last game being analysed, instead of the previous 5 games I should get I have the Head of Performance Analysis, and a further 7 Performance Analysts and everyone in an Analyst job has at least 15 for both Analysing Data and Tactical knowledge, so I'm not sure what could be the problem
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