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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. any others bedies this? One that is more attacking? I know its hards to compromise attack with control posession but that would be a win win for me as arsenal
  2. any 4 at the back for arsenal which can average 60%+ possession or close to that. I quite like a 424 as witj 433 or 4231 the IF dont score much even if on attack. I have looked at all of your spreadsheet but only 2 formation ls on there indiciate that they arw good for possession but I’m sure there’s more?
  3. @knap Hi knap, besides the 4231 and 41131 which of your formations have good possession? I.e 60%+
  4. Yes none of the posession ones work since the update and as I am arsenal I wish to control possession. Would it have to do anything with the double pivot at all?
  5. @knap Hi knap, can you please test/tweak the HGF 60+% posesison tactic please? It no longer works well enough with the new match engine and I could do with a new/renewed possession tactic.
  6. @knapalso besides your preachin blues and HGF tatctics, are there any others which can achieve 60+% posession for a sub-top team?
  7. @knapwould you happeb to have a kitchen sink tactic in the same way you have a SUS tactic. One when you need a goal/equakiser in the last minute and go all out attack on opposition?
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