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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Manchester united

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  1. Hi SI Team, I have an issue with player transfer. I set transfer date for maguire until end of the season and both parties have agreed to the terms just like image below. However after i continue my game, the player move to other teams immediately not wait until the end of the season. I also uploaded my save file to help you investigate this issue. Please help me solve this issue. Thank you very much.
  2. Hi SI Team, I have an issue with inside forward role in my team. He rarely cut inside from the wing and take a direct shoot even though he have a role traits to cut inside. He often hugs the touchline and take a cross just like normal winger do. I have seen someone posting about this issue, however there is no response from your side. So i try to posting it again and i also send my save files for your investigation. Please help us with this issue. Thank you very much.
  3. Hi, thank you very much. Hope you guys will fix this
  4. Hi, Why is my players lacks respect for the coaching staff even though i have 4.5 stars reputation staff? Is it some sort of bug? Or is it influenced by some other status/parameters?
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