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Posts posted by Speedylad123

  1. 4 minutes ago, herne79 said:


    Welcome to the forum :).  There are plenty of threads which show people using any number of different roles.  Anything by Cleon or Rashidi are usually a good start.  I have a current thread going at the moment (Developing my 4123DM tiki taka) which uses a Treq out on the wing.

    There are also guides linked in the "Please Read" thread pinned to the top of the forum.  Note however these guides and threads tend to focus on the complete picture of putting together a decent system, rather than just "this is how to use a Raumdeuter" for example.

    Thank you mate. Any in particular I can take a look at? I seem to be struggling to understand how each role will affect others in a certain system for example I want to try and get a midfield 3 with mezzela or Carrielro involved but don't know if it is possible to work it into together or if I HAVE to have certain roles no matter what formation. At United my right IF isn't the strongest with no natural there so would like to change it to something different but don't know how to implement it + add PI's to ensure it works with other roles around it

  2. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and didn't want to make a whole new thread but I have been playing FM for a number of years now and I always create the same 4-2-3-1 tactic with IF's with ease and win most things when I set this tactic up. I am bored of creating this same tactic with the same roles for example CB's (BPD) CM's (DLP and BBM)


    Are there any other guides on how I can implement other roles such as Raumdeutur/Trequartista. I have never seemed to get mezzela or carrillero into a tactic either.


    any help would be appreciated guys, getting bored of using the same tactic!

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