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61 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. I'm still looking around for a team and I only have a handful of options to pick from left but the Serie A has been strongly calling me again, after saves with Inter (back during the Icardi days) and a very enjoyable Roma save a couple editions back. Ran the pre-season with Lazio and I enjoyed it a lot so far. With Immobile, Sergej and Luis Alberto there are 3 quality players to play with, while also have Luka Romero around to develop into a player to join them quality-wise. Would be fun to have them become a club that regularly wins trophies while maintaining the Spanish affinity they have regarding players the last few years. Additionally, there's also AC Milan. Looking at the squad, there's a lot I want to change. For starters, I definitely want to make it more Italian. Looking at Inter with the Italians (especially quality ones like Barella) makes me jealous. Furthermore, there's some nice young talent, which I like to develop, and some oldies that can function as good tutors (Kjaer, Giroud). The dream would be to get Donnarumma back if I were to pick Milan, but I'm accepting that will be a very expensive mission. Anyone else that has taken charge of either of those two teams? And how did it end up for you? Quite interested in hearing about the endeavours!
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