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Brother Ben

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Everything posted by Brother Ben

  1. I'll definitely give it a go. I've said before on here that I think a lot of people have it the wrong way around as I believe that games like EAFC and FM can help to grow women's football. Think of how much you now know about football generally from playing this game over the years. Heck its even helped my geography. Hopefully this will be true of the women's game. Maybe it will even turn some of the people who are on the fence about it into fans. Who knows?
  2. The personalities will be worse due to them being unable to have bad ones for real players. I don't get the issue, in a game that doesn't represent much of a challenge once you are over the initial learning curve dealing with different personalities becomes a welcome challenge. The same with dynamics. How would I ever grow my youth players if they were static? The game is a fluctuating world of its own as soon as you first press continue and thats a good thing imo.
  3. This may help [FM24] Born & Bred: Rising from Tier 11 only signing players born from one city
  4. According to legend Old Grey Llama has special powers........ 🦙🔮
  5. I'm pretty sure this is just the way the quick match engine works as a lot of it is based on reputation so clubs will yoyo up and down quite a bit instead of going into free-fall. My anecdotal observation is that there is a lot more variance in promotion and relegation when you use full detail. Considering you are already running all leagues then doing that will seriously tank performance so its a trade off I guess.
  6. Unless i'm mistaken International teams will still be present in FM25 so this will still happen.
  7. Yeah but at this point why drive yourself mad over it when you could just be playing the game? Have to say too when I used to use Windows for FM I used a separate account so that I could control background tasks to get better performance
  8. It's all part of the story of your managerial career. Without some lows how can you possibly enjoy the highs? Overcoming adversity is what makes the game worthwhile. I'm so glad that i'm not an expert at the game, my worst nightmare would be to just steamroll through it and win everything. Like myself, it seems like you find the game challenging. There are many on this forum who would give anything for that to be their experience.
  9. If you've only just installed Windows and the other profile works then why not just use that? Unless there is something here i'm not understanding?
  10. I'm just reading up on this as your post is the first time i've heard about it The last computer I built myself was 12 Gen intel for my kids gaming setups and I use Mac myself so i'm a bit out of the loop. I'll do a little research on it and i'll think of something appropriate to put in the OP. Thanks for bringing it to my attention
  11. Very jealous, Always wanted a 1200. Had to make do with my 500+ Through on goal.............. He slides it past the keeper............. Missed............... I had a similar situation in a job at a company digitalising records over night. Essentially every 10 mins or so I had to fill up a scanner with documents, other than that my time was my own. Played so much CM3 in that job. Every now and then the security guards would pop up to see how I was getting on and offer managerial advice . Nothing quite like playing the game and getting paid at the same time
  12. I think people like yourself are going to have to let this go and realise that for a progressive developer like SI this was always going to be implemented. My 9 year old has recently started playing FM and he doesn't distinguish between the mens and women's games. He was quite confused as to why there wasn't any women's teams in the game already and has plenty of female players on his bedroom wall. I'd argue kids like him are the future of the game and deserve to be catered for too. That's without even thinking about new young female players it will attract because they feel represented. Personally I will definitely give that side of the game a go, it's something new and I like trying new things. One final point I will mention is that for me Football Management games got me more into football when I was young than the other way around. The inclusion of womens football in FM could well do the same thing and prove to be mutually beneficial.
  13. Its been done before, he kept it up for 3 years consistently https://realtimefm.wordpress.com/
  14. It's the main reason I switched to LLM. To be honest I wish I didn't enjoy this forum so much as you see things you can't unsee. That said its still very rewarding to set yourself realistic limitations within the framework of the game
  15. Can I be a pain and ask you to benchmark it, I'd be really interested to see how it performs
  16. So tempted to derail this thread with a full avian XI I won't though, I promise. But they will be managed by Goose Hiddink
  17. You're right, I can't see any point, i'd rather have them in the first team being mentored by first team players and just made available for the under 23's
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