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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Manchester United and England

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  1. I downloaded a database to get the lower english leagues, but i found many problems when i started to edit it for my liking. Many off the problems i have fixed myself but now i have found one i can't seem to fix. I have tried to change how many teams that gets relegated down to 3 or up to 6, but i either get then the same relegated teams as in the picture or 12
  2. I downloaded a database to get the lower english leagues, but i found many problems when i started to edit it for my liking. Many off the problems i have fixed myself but now i have found one i can't seem to fix. I have tried to change how many teams that gets relegated down to 3 or up to 6, but i either get then the same relegated teams as in the picture or 12
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