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Everything posted by Syze

  1. I was thinking about loading up the FM08 editor and adding in players up to present day.
  2. Quick update - my dad passed away a few days ago following a few months of hell. Needless to say I pretty much had to abandon the project. Hopefully I can use what I had done and pick it up for FM24. As a side note, as I was working I was spotting little mistakes in my original DB for FM16 and was tweaking it, so I can release and update if anyone is interested.
  3. Quick update on this - unfortunately there has been pretty much no progress over the past couple of months. My dad has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and obviously this has taken my time and TBH sapped any enthusiasm I have to do much in my spare time. But I will persevere, most likely it will be for FM24 instead of FM23. I'm sorry if anyone feels let down.
  4. I'm sticking it out, been flat out on it for the past week - if I'm occasionally pulled away from it for a few days, oh well. It'll be done when it's done.
  5. Unfortunately, this has been set back after set back, I'm hoping I'll be able to put a ton more time into this over the summer, but if it was coming out for FM23 while people were getting hyped for FM24, would anyone even be interested? Feeling discouraged.
  6. It's coming along nicely, but we're still months away. I've been doing the most time intensive parts first and am surprised how quickly it's moving along.
  7. Yes, at least Scotland, Italy and Spain.
  8. Let me know if you spot any mistakes, I see a few already myself...
  9. Yep, I'll post that up soon - Brian Clough manager, Des Walker, Stuart Pearce, Teddy Sheringham, Nigel Clough, Ian Woan, Steve Stone, Roy Keane...
  10. I'm over the first hurdle and feeling quite encouraged - English Division One is complete. I'll post some screenshots, starting with Arsenal:
  11. Certainly the Scottish Prem will be complete.
  12. I've been working feverishly the past couple of days, but it's a big task. My biggest disappointment is the time I have lost in the past couple of months may mean I don't have it ready before FM24 comes out, but I'm going to keep going.
  13. Unfortunately since the turn of the year, some unexpected life events have meant I haven't been able to dedicate the time to this I was anticipating. I'll keep you all posted, but it's very much up in the air ATM, unfortunately.
  14. Thanks, that means a lot.
  15. Yes, just like my DB for FM16, there will be about 25 years of regens.
  16. Thanks for the reply. It's not individual players wages I want to adjust, I've deleted all the players because I'm making a retro DB, I want to adjust wages as a standard to better reflect the time. You can adjust the wages under the nations tab, but it doesn't seem to take affect in the game.
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