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Everything posted by gam945

  1. Must be due to using newer R/packages versions, you could debug and add some as.numeric()'s where data is processed.
  2. Best I can do is provide you the files you need but as far as support and instructions I don't have the time for this so please refer to the discussions --deleted-- FM-Data-Analytics-main.zip
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an app to help with quantitatively analyzing your squad and help with scouting and most of the features that don't use game player statistics are done. I'm now working on this part and although I have an idea of what I want to include, I thought it may be helpful to have a brainstorming here and see if there are any good ideas that pop up. As a preview here is the current version of the app, with my FC Südtirol test save: Home page Squad: Tactics page Squad: Progress page Squad: Role suitability page Metrics Below is the current list of finalized metrics (a very much appreciated contribution from @Rashidi) that will be included, while some others from him are getting refined as I'm looking at the data. Defensive Activity (weight-able): Quantifies the total defensive activity of a players by taking into account successful defensive actions and penalizing mistakes leading to goal by 90 minutes. (`Clearances per 90 minutes` + `Interceptions per 90 minutes` + `Headers Won per 90 minutes` + `Tackles per 90 minutes` - (90*`Mistakes Leading to Goal`/`Minutes`)) Key Defensive Activity: Quantifies the total key defensive activity of a players by taking into account successful key defensive actions. (`Key Tackles per 90 minutes` + `Key Headers per 90 minutes`) Scoring Efficiency: Quantifies the scoring efficiency by looking at the ratio of non penalty goals and it's corresponding xG. ((`Goals`-`Penalties Scored`)/`Non Penalty Expected Goals`) Any ideas for other metrics are welcomed and I'll try to look at everything and include what makes sense. The type of metrics I'd like to includes are one that describe/measures sides of the game (e.g. Passing Quality? Possession?) or that focus on a style of play (e.g. Gegenpressing? Catenaccio?) - I'm sure some of you have good ideas Attached is a file with all the fields available in my view and their description in FM to help you if needed. Of course any metrics that will be used (as is or as an inspiration for the final one) in the app will be credited QFM24_squad_fields.csv
  4. Some progress while still on development phase - here's a preview of the Squad > Tactics page: Still looking for people with knowledge in HTML/CSS to help me style the app..
  5. If someone would like to help with compiling the FM key and preferable attributes for each role/duty combination I'd appreciate it and would advance quicker on the app coding. The template is attached, check the Attributes sheet. Each row corresponds to the attribute and each column represents a role/duty (I have all the 90 combinations available). So basically you'd fill it column by column, the following way: Key attribute = 1 Preferable attribute = 0.5 Other attributes: leave it blank to not waste time with inputting 0's - this can be done with the code Do not assign anything to height, weight and left/right foot. Height may be used for center backs, goalkeepers, target mans, etc. Weight not sure but included it. Left/Right foot will be used to calculate "foot scores" and will be a bonus to the total score. For example, a player with a reasonable bad foot will have a higher score than one with a weak bad foot - all other variables being the same. Also only fill out the role/duty combinations - generic positions (GK, FB, WB, etc) will be decided later. Thanks. models_definition_template.xlsx
  6. I have in the past already developed an FM companion for the more data oriented managers in the form of a web-app, FM Data Analytics for FM21, which got quite some engagement from the community at a time were statistics were under-used in the game UI. This app is not available anymore, although I still have the source code, but if it certainly had quite some good features for its context in the game development, it also presented some big cons, for example: Deployment: users had to download the source code from my online repository on GitHub, install R and make sure the installation directories matched what the app and the batch script to launch the app expected. This was way too complicated for the average user who'd like to use the app with minimal involvement from his part. How QuantFM will correct this: the app will be available as a downloadable software - download an installer, which will install the app and make it usable as is and offline from your computer - or will be hosted online. Pre-set analysis: users were able to select from multiple, varied visualizations but in order to get custom visualizations, the source code had to be modified. This maybe was trivial to some users, but definitely not to many others. How QuantFM will correct this: pre-set analysis will be offered but users will also be able to build their models in-app using the UI only - for example, change the formula or weights used to calculate a position/role/duty score from statistics or attributes. Again this time, QuantFM will be a Shiny app developed with the programming language R. As development is currently under progress, I can provide a provisional features roadmap for the app: First release: * Upload multiple squad and shortlist datasets * Analyze squad's attributes and statistics progress if multiple squad datasets are provided * Compute position/role/duty statistics-based and attributes-based scores and compare between any datasets - squad vs shortlist, shortlist vs shortlist, squad vs squad * Customizable models for scores computation by the user * Custom visualizations Second release: * Statistical based analysis and scouting recommendations with models trained from a set of players Getting now to the main objective of this post - see if anyone is interested in helping out. I began development of the app less than a month ago, but between work, studies and other projects it would be difficult to ship the app in less than a month or two. In order to accelerate development, help can be provided in multiple forms, from non-coders and coders as well (the list may be updated): [Coding] App theming: the app's theme will be inspired by FM24 - dark mode, purple secondary background, orange accents, etc. Would need someone who knows CSS to build the style sheet. [Non-coding] Default attributes-based score models: will need to have all primary and secondary key attributes for each position/role/duty compiled as provided by SI in the game. [Non-coding] Default stats-based score models: will need to have all statistics categorized (i.e all crossing attributes, all passing attributes, etc). [Non-coding, experienced players] Custom pre-set stats-based score models: this is for experienced players, if you'd like to have your models in the app I would be happy to include them. Thus users could choose to perform their analysis with @Rashidi's presets, @Cleon's presets, etc. Your contributions can be reflected in two ways: * All contributors will be mentioned in the "About" section of the app with links to your SI forum profile, your GitHub or even your website * For anyone who provides data or scripts that will be included in the app's source code, you could commit it yourself in the app's GitHub repository and be automatically credited as a contributor. Currently, the app is in a private repository as it has not hit production yet, but for anyone who'd need to contribute in the repository access will be granted. If you can't help but are interested, feel free to leave feature suggestions in the comments! When the app will hit production, you'll be able to suggest features or reports issues/bugs directly in the app's repository. To end this, here is a quick preview of the current version of the app - all the logic to get your datasets in the app are done and the analysis logic is under way: Feel free to PM if you're interested! Thanks
  7. If you're interested we can develop the app together - you'll find Shiny gives you a lot more flexibility than Streamlit.. DM me if you'd like I already began writing some functions like positions parsing (ex: "M(RC),AM(RC)" to "M(R),M(C),AM(R),AM(C)") etc
  8. Nice, I guess this was done with Streamlit/python? I'm planning do develop an analytics app as well with Shiny (python or R) was just waiting for FM24 to release so I can get the actual fields for the game..
  9. I guess it's going to be a False Nine situation, i.e. you can of course put whoever you want in F9 but only a limited number of players with the right attributes would actually perform well?
  10. This feature alone will make me buy FM24, I began playing since FM20 and bought all editions since but barely played the 2023 one, and I was always frustrated of not being able to recreate 4-3-3 or 3-1-3-3 from a simple 4-4-2/4-4-1-1. Looks like this edition solves the issue with the new roles so it's going to be very fun - looking forward to the release date
  11. I honestly have no opinion on that (I'd tend to say no, at least there's nothing obvious), but the only way to confirm that is looking at the code. Out of curiosity, have SI ever provided "proofs" (or some elements of) showing that there's no scripting? Don't mean to begin a debate about existence of scripting in FM, just genuinely curious as you seem so certain about it.
  12. Hi fellow managers, I want to present you a new tool I'm working on that will enable us to use the data that FM provides us with at its full potential. Including attributes, diverse statistics, injuries data and many more, FM has more than 300 data points. Yet, I can bet any one of us doesn't even use the third of it to make decisions and manage our club. Maybe it's due to the fact that FM doesn't offer an easy way of presenting all those data points. Take the match statistics for example, like the assists, passes completed, cross completion ratio etc. Yes, we could create a view with all those stats and compare them to decide which player on our shortlist will be the transfer target. But it is neither visually appealing to have a view full of numbers nor easy to make comparisons. The app is now released! (2020/01/09) The V2 Update is now released! (2020/01/15) Following is a quick guide to get started with the app. Install R You do not need to know anything about R, everything is programmed for you. However, you need to install the software. I will not go into too much details for this section as there are plenty of good guide, and as a quick Google search will yield the result. When you install R, remember in which directory it was installed as you will need it later. Install R: https://cran.r-project.org/ > Download R for Windows > "install R for the first time" hyper link > "Download R 4.0.3 for Windows" hyperlink > follow the installation wizard instructions ** It is preferable to install R in a folder you have created in the C:\ directory (instead of installing it in "C:\Program Files") to avoid errors when running the batch file that launches the app For example: (1) Create the MyPrograms folder in C:\ (2) Install R in the following directory: C:\MyPrograms Do I need RStudio? No Do I need to run something on R after installing it? No, patience is key, all what you need has been scripted by me I don't know how to program in R! You don't need to know! Install the app Go to my Github page: https://github.com/ybenadjal/FM-Data-Analytics > Repositories > FM-Data-Analytics Download the complete folder then unzip it in your computer: Unzip the zip folder you just downloaded (just copy the FM-Data-Analytics folder that is inside the .zip somewhere on your computer). Move the main folder(FM-Data-Analytics-main) wherever you want, but do not change the structure of the folder. Everything is now in the folder you just extracted: Walk-through & set up the app: data Contains the outputs you have exported from FM. (1) Do not delete shortlist.html or squad.html if you don't replace it. Later running the app without one of the files may cause errors. (2) Always name the outputs "shortlist" and "squad". * V3 UPDATE: Name the squad outputs as follows: "squad_yyyymmdd", where "yyyymmdd" is the in-game date. You can now store multiple squad outputs (3) When extracting the data from FM, be sure to scroll from top to bottom of the shortlist to get all the data when you use Ctrl+P to print and export. V2 UPDATE: The app now directly reads the FM outputs to extract the data, thus meaning the Excel tool is obsolete. It is no longer included in the download. Walk-through & set up the app: demo_videos Contains two video demos, one for the setup, and one for the data extract/use the app. V2 UPDATE: Update to reflect the new workflow Walk-through & set up the app: fmviews Contains the views you have to import in your FM game, then export the FM screen as a Web Page/html file (Ctrl+P in FM). completeview_shortlist_v4 is a view for the Shortlist in FM (Scouting > Shortlist). completeview_squad_v4 is a view for the Squad in FM (Squad). ** Do not change anything to avoid errors! V2 UPDATE: FFP Contribution and future time playing removed (5 columns) as they are user-specific Walk-through & set up the app: help Contains a data dictionary. All the data points exported from FM are described here. V2 UPDATE: The app now dynamically install required packages if needed. First thing the code does is check if there are missing required packages and installs them. This means the installpackages.bat batch file is now obsolete. It is no longer included in the download. Walk-through & set up the app: main Go back to the main file, there is the app: app.R, and another batch file to run the app: FMapp.bat **IMPORTANT STEP (ONE-TIME ONLY)** (1) Find your Rscript.exe file. It should be in the file you installed R > R-<version> > bin (2) copy the path (in yellow) (3) open FMapp.bat and replace your path in r_path1 (only replace the highlighted code in blue). That is the only adjustment you need to to! (4) Save FMapp.bat and close it. You're set to use the app. The instructions are repeated in the setupdemo video in \demo_videos **** V2 UPDATE: FMapp.bat now detects its current directory and uses it to launch the app. It is very important that you don't modify the file's structure! Instead of replacing 3 paths in the last version, you only need to replace 1, and it's a one-time process. V2 UPDATE: DNA Model subsection was added in the Squad Analysis section. This enables you to select key attributes for your playing style and calculate a "DNA rating". Similarly to the Scouting section, the color code is used in the tables and the plots. V2 UPDATE: dynamic package installation. V2 UPDATE: App reads html FM outputs instead of the Excel tool. V2 UPDATE: Added status messages to show the user what's going on before the app is launched in their browser. V2 UPDATE: Points in the plots have now a subtle black outline to make them more visible. You're now all set! Launch the app by double-clicking on the FMapp batch file, the app will open in your browser! The app will open in your browser. It is strongly recommended to set the zoom size as 90% and to maximize the browser's window ** When you close the app on your browser, also close the Command Prompt window that was opened by the batch file TIPS: (1) App interface The app will launch in your browser. Set the zoom at 90% to get an optimal view. Use the 3 bars at the top to hide/show the sidebar, thus leaving more space for the content. (2) Interacting with the plots Some plots have trend lines, some do not. Hovering on the points will show you more info about the player. You can zoom in, navigate on the plot. Double click on the plot to get back to the default view. Quick demo: Dots size: the more a player has games played (calculated by the total number of minutes ÷ 90), the bigger is the dot. Dots color: depends on the scouting recommendation. Makes it easier to notice badly rated players that are in fact performing and vice-versa. Non scouted players are assigned -1, as well as squad players. V2 UPDATE: The DNA ratings have the same color code. If the user doesn't specify a DNA model then players are assigned a rating of -1. (3) Shortlist builder In the scouting section, you have a shortlist builder. This enables you to select some players you notice in each subsection (general/passing/shooting/etc). Then in the last subsection, Shortlist, you'll have the intersection of all the players you selected. Let's say you want a goalscorer AM. You noticed: Player A, Player B, Player C, Player D as good playmakers in the passing subsection and selected these players in the bottom shortlist builder. In the shooting subsection, you selected Player B, Player D, Player E and Player F. You'll see that in the Shortlist subsection, you'll have a table with Player B, Player D, thus your shortlist have been built. ** Leave all other Shortlist builders with all players selected if you don't use them. If you want to begin a new analysis and create a new Shortlist, make sure that all the shortlist builders have all players selected before beginning. (4) Filters Want to analyze your loaned players? Squad Analysis > Filters > Clubs: deselect your club (should be the first entry) Want to analyze your players at the club? Squad Analysis > Filters > Clubs: deselect all then select your club (should be the first entry)
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