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Posts posted by Jay91

  1. Hello guys,

    I'm stuck with something for hours. I have 1 parent competition with 6 divisions and multiples domestic cups. What i want is to qualify the first 3 teams from each division in 1 domestic cup based on the results from the last season.

    I tried "Get qualified teams from stage" and selected the right competition and stage but it doesn't work well. Actually the game pick 3 teams from each divisions but randomly, not the best ones from the last season.

    All competitions and divisions are in the same nation.

    Thanks if someone can help me or even trying.

  2. Hello uncle_sam. First of all thank you for your amazing work. I was wondering if i could expand mls to 30 teams and eventually split each conference in 3 divisions. But how i could do that? Do i have to create in stage 0 the 6 divisions and then create 1 league stage for each conference and link the results of every groups to the right league stage.

    so like this :

    stage 0 group (6 divisions)

    stage 1 league (east conference)

    stage 2 league (west conference)

    stage 3 league (global standing for east and west conference)

    stage 4 wild card

    stage 5 ecup

    stage 6 wcup

    stage 7 finale

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