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Posts posted by FM-China

  1. 在 2023/3/31 在 AM9点18分, Aoyao说:




    @FM-China @Jimmy Wong


  2. 在 2023/10/16 在 PM7点22分, giggsxbr说:

    对于下面的这些位置,个人有一些见解,希望大家可以讨论一下。 @FM-China @Jimmy Wong

    1、Wing Back/WB——边翼卫、Complete Wing Back/CWB——全能边翼卫

    2、Inverted Wing Back/IWB——内收型边翼卫

    3、Central Midfielder/CM——中前卫

    4、Attacking Midfielder/AM——前腰, Defensive Midfielder/DM——后腰
    同时防守型中场简化为后腰一词后,防守型中场-防守改名为 后腰-防守/DM-D,这样与防守型后腰-防守/A-D也容易混淆的问题也好解决,也和防守型中后卫NCD、防守型边后卫NFB的中文命名逻辑一致;

    5、Half Back/HB——半后卫、Carrilero/CAR——半翼卫、Mezzala/MEZ——半边锋

    6、Segundo Volante/VOL——全能后腰



    不过这些列出的都偏向为角色role,所以4、Attacking Midfielder/AM——前腰(幺), Defensive Midfielder/DM——后腰(幺)其实和3、Central Midfielder/CM——中前卫 一致便可以——进攻型中场,防守型中场。

    即位置缩写的AM:Advanced Midfielder突前中场,其角色之一缩写的AM:Attacking Midfielder进攻型中场

    同理位置缩写的DM:Deep Midfielder突前中场,其角色之一缩写的DM:Defensive Midfielder进攻型中场

  3. 在 2023/3/8 在 PM3点58分, Aoyao说:

    Stay wider 这个指令,翻译成“拉开些”感觉更准确些,因为有个习惯是“HUGS LINE”





    难道要中路的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE)

    在 2022/10/31 在 PM1点42分, Aoyao说:


    ——个人指令中的:sit narrower 和stay wider



    原始的翻译对于中路的球员使用 ”抱紧边路“让人摸不着头脑,难道要中路的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE)

    ——还有另一个指令:move into channel 其中的channel和pass into space的space都翻译成”空档“,

    就是明显的错误。一个指的是”中卫和边卫之间的纵向间隙,中文通常称之为 肋部“,另一个纯指对面防线压上后所产生的”防线身后的开阔空间

    建议move into channel改成”多走肋部“更符合现代足球教练的口语要求

    pass into space改成”多打身后球“这样的结果性陈述,

    以上的改动与23版的 防守宽度指令的改动意图遥相呼应








    难道要中路的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE)



    pass into space的space都翻译成”空档“,


    -也并不是的。image.png.3c31cb8db3f37eeff6767a0a0547c127.png 并没有提到身后。





  5. 4 小时前, Neil Brock说:

    Less frequent now since China passed a rule that any foreign player signed, whatever the agreed fee needs to be paid to the Chinese league to be reinvested in developing Chinese players (so towards Chinese coaching and training infrastructure). So if they sign a player for £20m, it'll now cost them £40m. 

    Actually fixing spending problem lately, worth having feedback from saves with Chinese league as active but not playable and see what kind of transfer bids take place.


    We were trying to discuss with ease for the possibility of feature as a pure gameplay issue, then this journalist quoted without our consent trying to stir it to something non football and game, do you know how big a trouble this have brought us? Luckily little read this paper

    Thanks to it now unless the feature have been well constructed and tested enough to leave no space for twisting to channel non-football hostility, it's a future feature long to wait. 

    All real life uyghur players brought into league by club Leopard are introduced into database, those majority didn't make it and went to university or lower tier will be also brought into database once they re-reached active league level. NOT even majority of Chinese league gamers so far urged this issue as you did bombarding the forum every year, what's the provocativeness all about?

    And for a neutral update, club Leopard is changing their youth development, now rather there are feeder clubs supplying them youngsters by reserve team age. Maybe a potential solution can be following this up and halt club Leopard's youth development in game. 


    This reply is game discussion on forum, rights reserved and not consented to be quoted externally by any party.  


    Moderaters if you see inappropriate can disapprove this reply but quote to reply alternatively

  7. I am sorry but NO it would NOT be nice to see inproportionate "unusual"nationalities mixtures for the sake of FUN against reality.

    Alexander N'doumbou is a very rare and special case and even more as a footballer. The proportion of similar cases like him in China and its football is nowhere near case of Sofiane Diop.

  8. 在 2021/12/16 在 AM9点13分, fencingking说:











    (Written to English to let more people to see and discuss, will try to simplify to make it easy for you at the same time)

    1.Yes also had similar idea

    2.Need support from upper level to prepare such a project/idea

    3.Takes long time, maybe 5 years to record a lot of histories from reality and re-enact it in game

    4.But if with support we data guys have ability to build something like: 2020 season patch for FM21/22, 2019 season patch for FM20/21/22 and so on

    5.Maybe a realistic possibility is a challenge campaign like "China 2020-24 against COVID", featuring real life compromised competition structure/calendar/squad availability/offpitch difficulty

  9. On 24/12/2020 at 12:04, Viking said:

    Should'nt Tyias Browning have a English second nationality?

    Edit: Seems like he has one in the editor, but not in the game.


    Just checked, he has in database. Could this be rather some display issue you encountered?

  10. On 11/01/2021 at 19:29, Dan Ormsby said:

    @FM-China would it be possible for you to respond to this point and the one above it?  Thanks.

    It seems like the AI didn't bring enough 2nd division and amateur clubs into this round with 16 games, probably as result of not having enough clubs for 1st round(32 games between 64 clubs).

    I can double check the number of amateur clubs supposedly active for FA cup entry, but what's the criteria for current program to decide whether or not an amateur club can join FA cup 1st round?

  11. On 14/12/2020 at 22:21, JWB935 said:



    I would like to post that the Fierce rivalry between Guizhou Hengfeng and Beijing Renhe should be included. I believe this may have been an oversight as I am sure it was in past versions.


    REASON: Beijing Renhe was previously called Guizhou Renhe (after Guizhou province in which it was based) and was the major football team in Guizhou. From 2012-2016 it became one of the most highly supported teams in the whole of the country even outside of the top super league, with the fans very passionate. Before this they were located in Shanghai but Guizhou didnt have their own team and they were sponsored by Guizhou Maotai (a local alcohol producer), with some of the owners from Guizhou. Also the local leaders in Guiyang (Guizhou capital city) allowed the team to play in the new Guiyang city olympic stadium. The rivalry comes when the owners suddenly and against supporters wishes decided to move the team to Beijing for financial and commercial reasons making the fans here in Guizhou very bitter and there has been a strong hatred for Beijing Renhe since.

    Most of the fans now support Guzhou Hengfeng and have a very strong rivalry and hate fro Beijing Renhe. Guizhou Hengfeng are one of the best supported teams in the first division and outside the big teams. Therefore I believe the rivalry should be included and any researcher based in China would know this very well and I believe it has been missed by a mistake.

    Well spotted indeed but since there were personnel changes we are not able to retrace to the setting behind this missing rivalry now, and whether or not there is legitimate reason not to include it/remove it(maybe the boards are/were actually friendly mutually, given the transfer of Nikica Jelavic from Renhe to Hengfeng couple years ago). 

    However we can ensure if Renhe is still running in reality in next season that this will be fixed given the widespread celebration by Guizhou fans upon Renhe's recent relegation and possible dissolve.

  12. On 14/12/2020 at 21:42, Woodg SI said:

    A differential in heights and weights of 2cm or 2kg is generally nothing to worry about (particularly weight which can fluctuate more). You will see differences reported in heights and weights across lots of sources for many players which can be down to many factors.  Sometimes the owning team  may want their players to be reported as bigger or smaller than they actually are to try to gain an advantage over opposing teams!

    I checked such difference recently, in China at least it needs farther check looking at photos comparing with players with sure height sometimes. Talisca doesn't have a considerable difference but there are some other cases indeed, will follow it on

  13. 2 hours ago, Cevik58 said:


    I think Anderson Talisca's height and weight are misspelled. Normally it is called 1.90 height and 80 kilos. The game is 1.88 height and 78 kilos. @FM-China

    We never touched his height since he transferred in, please forward to Turkish or Brazilian research/thread for their consult 

  14. On 10/12/2020 at 05:36, TheQueenMalkova said:

    They speak Uighur but I believe in game there is no Uighur instead it just shown as Turkish. Since no newgen are Uighur, Uighur players will go extinct after the current Uighur players retire. Maybe not every team but majority of the team in lower leagues do have ethnic players from Xinjiang. 

    What does it mean by it's been planned to be fixed in long term? Does the long term mean it wouldn't be fixed in fm21?  Thanks.

    There is Uyghur language now and replaced previous setting by previous people in charge who came up with this alternative.

    It means it's not something can be easily fixed very soon as if a data setting, gameplay moderaters probably know more and enough to answer you regarding timespan.

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