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Guy Bar

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Everything posted by Guy Bar

  1. In Israel, there is the Law of Return, which states that any Jewish person (or one with Jewish roots) is allowed to make ‘Aliyah’ and immigrate to Israel, becoming a citizen. I will add that making Aliyah doesn’t make you eligible for the National Team, you still have to live in the country for 5 years as per FIFA rules. Without going into politics, I think that implementing it would add a lot of realism to saves in Israel, as looking for Jewish players abroad is a big part of scouting in Israel, as the foreigner limit is very strict. I know religion doesn’t have anything to do with FM and it shouldn’t, maybe it can be a hidden attribute for real life players, with newgens outside of Israel given a chance to ‘spawn’ with an Israeli second citizenship depending on the country’s Jewish population percentage. Once again I am asking people in the forum to not go into politics, let’s keep this discussion civil…
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