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Posts posted by Tomafu

  1. 7 minutes ago, DarJ said:

    Go have a look at the performance benchmark thread and find a CPU that's similar to yours, you should be able to get an extimate of how it's going to perform

    Yeh I found a version of my laptop in there, thanks.

    i can’t quite figure out what it suggests though lol, but it answers if it would stand the test of 20 leagues etc. 

    thanks for the help. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Daveincid said:

    The guide and the links provided should help you already enough to set-up a save game. I do answer some questions from time to time but this is more the exception as the rule. :)


    Thanks, yeh I’ve read through every page now, I think it’s because I don’t really know where my laptop sits in the bad-ok-good table lol. Probably should of just asked -  Would the below be suitable for what I have? Or the 5 top euro and 2 South American? Thanks again :)

    oading top 20 nations playable, all the others view-only, international games, games from National-Teams and the games in your league simulated in full detail, with the advanced db-option for all playersfrom first divison and national reputation

  3. Hey, I’ve been browsing through this trying to see if I can make sense of some of it as I don’t fully understand computer specs... 


    i have a budget of £800 (900 tops) ideally and would like to run around 8 nations with all leagues loaded, id like to use 3D more (was using 2d previously) and I generally like to get deep into a career and have a large pool of players to scout through. 

     I’ve found some recommendations in here but I don’t really know what would be best for what I need. Anything would be better than the potato I was running on as it didn’t meet the minimum specs for fm19 as it was! 



    I just found this one in my local store, a bit above my budget ... but would the extra be worth it? 



    again a little above my budget but again would the extra be worth it? 



    i see this one hs a 16gb ram one Available, but with only 256gb sdd and lesser graphics and generally being not as high spec as the others would this one come Anywhere near suiting what I desired or would it start to struggle after getting deep into a career? 


    Or or is there anything else within budget that would be suitable? I’ve tried to get s good sense from reading the thread and nearly ordered one from some recommendations but just wanted to see if you could give me a quick pointer please?


    many thanks 

    Oh I would mainly be using it for fm, but potentially some other games if I could drag myself from fm, but I’m buying a laptop predominately for fm

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