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Posts posted by Beliall

  1. 10 games into the league season and its been an interesting start. I'm finding value in the team i would have missed otherwise, by looking inwards rather than taking a scattergun approach to transfers by taking everything on 2 legs on trial and signing the best. 

    We started well, winning the first 2 games and drawing the 3rd, before losing to Godolphin in the first preliminary round of the FA cup. this was disappointing because its good to get some cash in the bank when you can, but we bounced back with a 6-1 win over little common and won 5 of the next 6 games in all competitions. Now the wheels have started to come off, we have lost the last 3 games in a row.

    2 bright sparks have emerged from the youth team, both aged 16, , a right winger i am playing on the left, has scored 9 times, and  another has chipped in with 5 on the right, which is not bad from his 6 starts when he covers for ****, who is my leading player.

    Right now im adjusting my tactic to be more defensively sound hoping i can fix this slide before its gets too much worse. 

    I still have no staff, which means i am managing all 3 squads on my own, but it also means the club is profitable! 

    taking this approach to the game has really ignited my love for this game again, i would never have picked these teenagers to play in my squad in previous saves, and i feel attached to them already. on that sunject, i only brought in a CB to replace one of my glacial defenders, i wanted another but he signed for a rival, and a midfielder,  to give me something more in the middle allowing me to use my current midfielders as cover. i released 5 players, all who has appearance fees of over £40 and wouldn't sign new contracts. 

    I'll update again next week, 

    ( i removed the names of the players after typing as i remembered some people dont like that. )

    I did have a couple of more screens but they contain player names and tactics so if you want to see those, im happy to share in DM

    edited again. removed the pictures, still had player names on 




  2. 1 hour ago, Beliall said:

    Hi. I was staring at my new game set up screen for a couple of hours , thinking about what to do, pentagons always the target but i never achieve it, and each year it gets harder to start, so i went looking for a new option and found this thread. makes much ore sense to me to have a coaching badge, and i always do my best to work within my means in a game save anyway, ill still try to conquer the world but now i can have a little help at the start, i might actually get a job offer without loading level 10 database. so im using the vanilla leagues, i added al l the realism mods linked in the post at the top of this thread, aside from the legends, and im looking forward to getting started on this save. might actually get a decent job offer. i loaded every league so it could be anywhere! 

    if it becomes something i enjoy, i may keep you updated, good to meet you, fellow realism people

    To continue on, I loaded a save with vanilla leagues, and while I did get an exciting offer from Uruguay , I couldn't take it, wouldn't have been a very realistic start, so i loaded up the level 10 DB again, made only the home nations and france playable whilst loading the rest as read only. 

    interviewed with Worcester and Wigan without applying, Worcester offered me a job, as did Lewes, but Saltdean were the most interesting to me , and are close to me , much like Lewes are, but I have managed Lewes in a previous game, same applies to Worcester. 

    took a contract that's on par with the other managers in the league, here are no other staff, so I have adverts out to find an assistant / scout. This along with a physio will be all the staff I hire until I get a handle on the finances. 

    The club has no history but wants promotion, I'm looking forward to this game getting going, been a while since I felt this optimistic but I'm sure it will fall apart soon enough!

    oh, and the news was reported in Colombia for some reason. 



  3. Hi. I was staring at my new game set up screen for a couple of hours , thinking about what to do, pentagons always the target but i never achieve it, and each year it gets harder to start, so i went looking for a new option and found this thread. makes much ore sense to me to have a coaching badge, and i always do my best to work within my means in a game save anyway, ill still try to conquer the world but now i can have a little help at the start, i might actually get a job offer without loading level 10 database. so im using the vanilla leagues, i added al l the realism mods linked in the post at the top of this thread, aside from the legends, and im looking forward to getting started on this save. might actually get a decent job offer. i loaded every league so it could be anywhere! 

    if it becomes something i enjoy, i may keep you updated, good to meet you, fellow realism people. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Wozzie said:

    How many skins do you have in your FM skins folder currently? If there is only one, then I have no clue what might be the reason for the problems you mentioned. Sorry.

    When i started having the issues i downloaded a few more to try, to see if the same thing happened. then i spotted your latest version and tried that and it went haywire. maybe it was that ? currently only have your skin installed and its been stable all night. No errors either.

  5. 1 minute ago, Wozzie said:

    Strange. Link seems to be fine - I've downloaded from fmscout, tried  and it works fine. Hope your issues are gone for good.

    me too. i have reverted back to version 1.1 for now. i had an issue where when i clicked on the inbox, it would click hold and then drag the box down the list. so i updated to 2.2 and then things went crazy. tried 2 different mice and games, but it was just on FM that this happened. 

  6. Hi, i did scan the pages on this forum a bit and i didnt see this posted already, i apologise if i missed it 

    Can we please please please have the option to pay for our own coaching badges? I always start from the botom with nothing, and theres nothing worse than going season after season getting denied because the board are worried you might leave them, especially if i spent a few moths unemployed tryign to choose a good club and then finding that happens. I love this game, i dont have any complaints, aside from this. would love to see it in FM21. PLEASE 

     kind regards, From a concerned manager. with no training 

  7. 11 hours ago, Sheppy12 said:

    Does your competition change each season or is it set up year one and same forever? If it's the same then try setting the start and end dates within the base year(2000-2001).

    The dates for the playoffs will only be set within the stage, not sure how the game will react without that tbh.

    The validation test will allow you to run the database in the game. If you've passed that one then you can try running a save and see what happens.

    If all else fails you could try loading the existing competition in advanced rules and have a look at how the game sets it up and compare it to yours.

    Ok I'll take a look at that this morning, and once again,. thank you

  8. 1 hour ago, Sheppy12 said:

    Where you say you ticked the box, is that under 'League Settings'?  If so, and you haven't set up a stage for the playoffs then this could be your issue.

    When you say you are testing, are you using 'Test Rules' from the top menu (this is what i mean by validating by the way), or are you using 'Test Competitions' from the sidebar.  If you haven't already, try running from the sidebar.  This is often more informative as to the issue.

    I haven't set up a stage for the playoffs then, I just chose promotion playoff, number of teams etc. the test I'm using is test competitions from the sidebar, I didnt know there was a test rules till you mentioned it.

    So i just ran test rules, It gave me a new problem ,which led to another problem so I'm gonna fix those things to do with the regional premier divisions so the AI can simulate promotion to the vanarama leagues, but right now I'm not getting the start date error.
    Will get back to you


  9. 8 minutes ago, Sheppy12 said:

    There could be a few things causing this, but its likely a fixture issue.  Where are you making this change? League Schedule? Dates? etc

    Is your database set up to run as one competition forever, or do you have it changing season on season?  If so, make sure each is set up with the same Date Range under 'Competition' (ie July to May). Also, make sure that if it is set up this way that Start Year and End Year run concurrently across each competition.

    If its all the same competition though, are you running multiple stages (ie league and playoffs).  If so, you need to make sure that the second stage has the first stage as a requirement and that the dates for that stage sit outside of the first stage.

    Also, you may wish to check that the Season Update Day (again under 'competition') is set to outside of the competition date.  For a July to May season, i tend to leave mine at June 20th.

    Do the competitions validate?  If so, you should be able to run a game on the database anyway.  Holiday forward to April (ish) and see what is happening.  Has it loaded extra stages?  Are all the fixtures played? etc

    If all of this seems ok, can you give me a bit more information on how the league is set up?

    Thanks Sheppy, some good info there to go on, will report back when i have checked all these things. Season update day is default, the league all have playoffs, its a recreating of the English league system, with 20 teams a piece with a new league 3 included, including vanarama league changes because of the promotions i had to do to make league 3. I don't know how to validate the file while I'm still getting errors running the test.
    To make the playoffs i just ticked the playoff option, added the number of teams etc, saw nothing that included a date to start. I will look again.

  10. Hi there, I'm not wanting to start a new thread so I'm hoping someone is watching this one.

    I'm currently at the testing stage of my first created database but I'm getting an error saying the season start date is wrong ( 1/6/2020 isn't within start date) even though its set to 11/8/2019. I changed the date to start to 5/8/2019 to see what would happen and it correctly stated the start date is wrong, but showed 5/8/2019 isn't within the correct time frame. Switched it back to 11/8/2019 and to the 1/6/2020 error again. 

    would appreciate any help please, and thank you in advance

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