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  1. Height is critical, no 2 ways about it. Height even at SS helps to attack crosses from deep. in general, I’ve found that JR is probably the most OP stat in this ME
  2. Sometimes beggars can’t be choosers (particularly when building a squad), and other times, players randomly learn PPMs in training (even if not In a mentoring group). that being said, below are few ones I’d look to avoid if I could: PPM to avoid: - wingbacks/SV: Stays back at all times - DM: Any getting forward/getting into box related PPM - playmaker/SS: Plays short simple passes - SS/CF: Plays with back to goal, comes deep to get ball - Runs at defense/tries killer balls often: Depending on the player ability, you want to avoid this (bad passer, you don’t want this as an example) - playmaker: gets forward when possible/gets into opposition area PPMs which are good (again, should be aligned with their abilities): - Playmaker: Tries killers often, dictates tempo (if good teamwork and decisions) - Does not dive into tackles: If poor tackling stat (many regen strikers have 1-2 in tackling) - wingbacks: gets forward when possible, especially on attack duty - CB/DM: stats back at all times, plays short simply passes (if they’re not a great passer) - SS/good dribblers with high flair: tries tricks, tries to beat opponents regularly, Runs with ball often PPMs overall aren’t hugely important, but they can make a player perform better or worse based on 1)Their role in the tactic and 2)How you want them to perform their role based on what they’re good at or less good at (hide flaws, exaggerate strengths)
  3. You could try a combination/all of the following based on the situation - changed SV to DM support - change wingback from attack to support (this could be a standard instruction against a dangerous LW - example Mbappe/Vini) - add work ball into box - lower tempo - add time wasting - defensive line from slightly higher to standard As Chelsea I would use this more for the end of games rather than as a standard instruction, with the exception of the wingback support change
  4. I would add back counter pressing, I’ve never really played with it off but in general I think it can help create some turnovers and lead to direct counter attacking moves. Regarding not scoring - at least for this tactic, I’m fairly confident that it’s more the players fit for the role rather than the tactic itself. Few things I’d check: - PPMs. definitely don’t want something like comes deep to get ball - Attributes: You want someone tall and quick here (not only for this tactic - seems to be the meta for this year’s ME). Someone like Lukaku. As there will be many crosses from the wingbacks, but at the time time, many through balls from the double #10. Felix to me is a shadow striker more than a true 9. I would like at someone like Beto, Sesko, or Hojlund, they are great #9s for this tactic (or brining back Lukaku from Inter) Hojlund pre-update (when he wasn’t even that good), scored a goal a game for me with my Milan side, just because he was tall and pretty quick. To me, this is just a matter of finding the right guy for the role edit: regarding AF vs PF: my understanding is that their attacking movement/mentality is the same, the only difference is in their pressing/defensive behavior. Not 100% sure though, I never really tried an AF. I want my 9 to be the leader of the press not just a luxury goal scorer
  5. Wow, incredible! Top 4 with Southampton is a fantastic achievement. Really well done. Happy to hear that you’re enjoying it! Looks like it also also works well for a “mid table” level squad
  6. Just an update - I’ve gotten a bit jaded from FM for now, so I’m going to be taking a break. I tried the 433 and 442 as well, but for me I found that the 3421 posted above gave me the best and most consistent results, especially in the champions league. Hope you guys enjoy it
  7. Glad to hear you’re trying it out. Give it some time to gel, I’ve done quite a lot of testing and for me it was balanced in both phases of the game
  8. I would say your AP overall has quite poor mental stats, especially in composure, decisions, and teamwork. To me, he seems like more of an inverted winger rather than someone who orchestrates for your team. Your striker is just too slow man. As an attack duty striker pushing the back line, you definitely need some pace. Beto is a good shout. You could also try grabbing Hojlund on loan, which is what I did in my Milan save
  9. Firstly, thanks for using the tactic and sharing your feedback, definitely third place with Mallorca is a great result. Playmaker issues: In theory, the AP should have 3 aggressive, off the ball runners making runs ahead of him: SS, PF, WB (a). Maybe there are some PPMs that are affecting this? Could you also share a screenshot of your AP? In terms of CF, Sesko was absolutely brilliant for me - he was quick with 18 JR and 16 heading. Do you have a striker in this mould (tall, good in the air)? I’ve found that’s critical given that crossing is a key part of this tactic. A huge amount of goals also came from the AP dropping deep, turning, and playing a through ball for the PF. My AP ended the season with something like 20 assists. Often I’ve realized that the best way to improve the tactic is not just endless tweaking (that’s a rabbit hole I often find myself in), but rather getting the right fit of players for the role/tactic overall. Especially on the CF Anyway, thanks for trying and sharing your feedback.
  10. I’ve decided not to go for the asymmetrical option, I feel it would leave the team too exposed just for the sake of getting a certain shape in build up that being said, I’ve done a lot of tweaking and experimentation on the roles and duties and I think I’ve FINALLY found something I’m happy with, that is performing well. I’m currently in December and things are going great, I’ll post the tactic once the season is over. Liking it a lot so far.
  11. I got the 3-2 to work (from the passing maps), but it’s very asymmetrical. The average position of the IWB (defend) is almost the same as the FB (defend). But, at least we are achieving the objective of having 5 dedicated people behind the ball, and attacking with 5, without risking overlapping full backs. I suppose I could move the DM to the DMCL slot and then making my right inverted wingback tuck in. That would perhaps work for a more central double pivot. But I HATE asymmetrical tactics, it just doesn’t sit well with me lol. But it’s a possibility, I really need my IWB to play narrower. I’m also in the rabbit hole of trying to figure out my roles and duties for the attacking players. The CF has to be on attack duty as we are trying to recreate Haaland’s role. Trying out various combinations behind him. I’m liking the AP(s) Mezzala (a) on the right to recreate the Bernardo/KDB combo, where KDB makes underlapping runs into the channels and crosses/shoots. However so far, the 3421 (posted above), seems to be more solid defensively. I’ll do some more tweaking and come back soon. The FM rabbit hole.
  12. I think the back 4 (and the 433 shape) is critical, otherwise we can’t really call it a Pep inspired 433/3241. Overall there are 2 ways to implement this in FM in my experience, sadly the second way isn’t possible in current ME 1. (What I’m using now): 2 CD, one FB (defend), on IWB (defend). Full back set to sit narrower, CB on other side set to sit wider. It’s not a perfect 3-2, it’s a bit asymmetrical, but it’s the closest we can get. I’ve found the defend duty IWB and defend duty full back is key otherwise it becomes more of a 2-4 rather than a 3-2. 2. Pep recently formed the double pivot by asking the CB to step into the double pivot. This is absolutely not possible in FM as we would need a)CB “Libero” type role which acts as a DM in possession and b)”Narrow fullback” role that acts as a WCB in possession I finished half a season with my tactic, I need to do some more tweaking, I’m not fully happy with the link up on the right half of my tactic. Results have been very good so far, in fact even better than the 3421, but there’s some improvement to be done. I’ll post after one more full season, once I feel like I’ve found the optimal roles. What’s fantastic is that with 5 players on defend duty, we rarely get caught on counter attacks, there aren’t aggressive wingbacks pushing him up the pitch. But the front 6 are all on fairly aggressive roles, so it is still potent from an attacking perspective. Really nice and balanced approach. I will try and post it within a week or so.
  13. After the man city - Bayern game, I got inspired by Pep to make a tactic like what he has done - a 433 formation (defensive phase), that morphs into a 3241 in possession. I shall post it soon!
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