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Posts posted by Mbianco

  1. 1 hour ago, yonko said:

    This picture is bad example and doesn't support your argument. The play is in the midfield 3rd. The wide forwards are 15-20 yards away from the penalty box. 

    When the ball is close to the penalty box, both or one of the wide forwards is inside the box for sure. Pep's strategy has always been that the wide forwards have to provide width for the first two 3rds of the field. In the final third they have freedom to move into the box. 

    Check this break down from Henry.

    This is the behavior of the AMRL positions currently in the ME. They are considered wide forwards and end up in the box when play is in the final third...as they should.

    That’s not totaly true. Sterling act as a wide forward, particulary now that he’s playing on the left. He stays wide and than he cut inside without the ball, occupiyng the halfspace while zinchenko make an overlap.

    but if man city is attacking down the right, you have marhez who stays wide even in the final third, so the fullback has to cover him, creating space for the n8 who plays in the halfspace. Ok marhez cut inside often, but with the ball in his feet, so he can stay wide and stretch the pitch for the most time.

    Obviusly, if your attacking down the left and the ball is in the final third, your opposite winger must cut in, because it makes no sense to have him wide in this situation. But if i’m playing with a winger and i’m using an invertedwingback or a nononsensefullback, he must stay wide, at least when the attack is on his side 

  2. 9 hours ago, fthy said:

    player Instructions?

    SK none 

    IWBd take fewer risks 

    BPD shorter passes, stay wider 

    IWBs shorter passes, take fewer risks, shoot less 

    MEZs direct passes, take more risks, dribble more, more closing down

    DLPd take more risks 

    MEZa dribble more, more closing down, run wide with ball

    Ws cross from the byline, hold position, more closing down, tackle harder, thinght marking

    F9 more closing down

  3. So guys, we know that man city attack in a 2-3-5, a formation that can be achieved in fm in some ways. The easiest is obvs having wingbacks wide and forward and the insideforwards in the halfspaces, but i found this too predictable and one dimensional. Having the wingers wide and the 8s in the halfspaces makes this tactic so interesting

    I am trying my best to replicate this and with this formations i'm having some kind of succes and a lot of goal like this 


    in the 4th image willock is a mez(s), not a mez(a):stop:

    the roles 

                         SKd                                     (i don't have a Ederson type keeper, otherwhise i would use a SKs)

    IWBd    BPD     BPD 


            MEZs DLPd MEZa                         (using the dlp in the midfield trio makes the mezzalas plays in the right position for me)

    Ws                                    Ws                 (cross from byline and hold position PIs for both, it makes them wider)



    much shorter passing, play out of defence, work the ball into the box, be more disciplined, wide

    counter, counterpress, take short kicks

    higher, higher loe, more urgent, prevent short gk distribution, use the offside trap

    in the future i will try WM, meanwhile let me know what you think about this

    and srry for my bad english :lol:

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