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77 "There's no crying in baseball"


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  1. Either the ID changed during the last update, or you have other DB(s) that you use at the same time, which means that it is no longer the ID that you have in the editor. You need to look at your club's ID in game and then write it in your config.
  2. What's interesting is that the group that disappears doesn't become extinct - it's simply unused. Which could be useful to you. Someone did Macedonia (I think) and went from 2 groups to just one, using the same child comp system except that at the end there was only one group left.
  3. Take a look at the French National 2. They've gone from 4 groups to 3, I believe. That might give you an idea.
  4. I also have this problem with my continental competitions. It has to do with registration. One solution is to simply use "Match Squad Rules" rather than "Overall Squad Rules" and avoid all registration dates. It's not perfect, but you can always insist on having only 3 non-EU players, or a minimum of 8 homegrown players on the team sheet, for example.
  5. Yes, you can. The ideal is to give seed numbers to each team. Winner UCL 0 Winner UEL 1 Winner UECL 2 first round: 2 vs 1 final: 0 vs winner of first round.
  6. Yes. To do this, you'll have to create a hidden stage (or not) that takes the form of a league that brings together the teams from the two groups and takes all the teams' points into account. I'll post you a screen shot as soon as I can. @maltesefalcon EDIT: On the last screen in the red box, don't pay any attention to the competition name (it's a test I used to do with extinct competitions). Just enter your division.
  7. think you should be able to do that in "add stage rules". In my opinion, there are several things you'll have to define, such as what happens if the same team wins both phases and probably other small details. Sorry. It seems to me that this kind of system exists in the Colombian second division. Take a look, there might be your answer. You'll find what you're looking for at stages 0 and 6 in Qualification Rules, then at stages 7 and 8 in Fate Actions. Colombia (SI 2024).fmf
  8. I think in Super League style it would be something different from anything else out there and it would be really interesting to set up and play!
  9. I don't have the screen in front of me but normally on "Europe" there's a box to tick to activate it with the number of years taken into account for the ranking. Logically, if you don't tick this box, the coefficients won't change.
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