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16 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Also, some of them became famous by testing tactics using the editor. When they had to play without it, it didn't go well.
  2. That sucks, man. Unfortunately if you want to have some fun you either manage a big club or use the editor (which a lot of people claim not to use but we know they do)
  3. That's one of the most unbalaced features on FM in my opinion. The game just decides you're gonna be smashed playing away whether you use an offensive or defensive tactic. I'm at the point that depending on the match, I don't even waste my time and leave it to the assistant. He's gonna lose by less at least
  4. Indeed 🤣. So far so good, the players' movements are working wonders and the main scorers are Bellingham and Rodrygo. Now I'm working on the centurions tactic
  5. Hi, I've been testing a formation based on Bayern's 15/16 season, which was the one I most enjoyed watching. Rodrigo and Bellingham swap positions. For the PIs I use move into channels and roam from position for the AM at, and go further forward, roam from position and cross from the byline for the wingers. The left fullback's position will change depending on the other team's formation. When I'm facing 2 strikers, he becomes a fullback on support with cross from the byline PI
  6. To be honest, I'm kinda streesed with FM24 when it comes to defending. No matter what formation I use, or instructions, if you're playing away, you're more likely to get smashed and concede. Specially after a set-piece. Your defenders can't even tackle, it looks like they're ghosts
  7. I decided to star a save with Feyenoord using a tactic based on Spalletti's Napoli. I'm really enjoying so far
  8. I've put my double pivot at DM strata, a wide playmaker and kept narrow in possession
  9. Well, I hope there are ME changes as well. The amount of individual mistakes in this year's edition is huge and it made me went back to FM22. Players out wide as well as defenders seems to enjoy making those mistakes regardless of the tactical setup or individual quality
  10. FM 23 is no different, mate. Actually I'm finding this version way more scripted than the former ones
  11. Hello guys, how's it going? So, I've been trying to replicate Ancelotti's hybrid system, specifically from the season 14/15. I've put Inaki Williams in the CR7's role back then. I'd like to share with you guys as well as listening to other opinions regarding the system.
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