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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Home of legendary Lee Harrison

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  1. Last year's announcement suggested that SI were taking all steps to mitigate the risk of another CM4 scenario. It is still too early to call, but echoes of that era will be lost on on no-one that was around during those days. Game was released at the end of March I believe (much later than currently anticipated for FM2025), A month before, we got our hands on a beta demo included "free" with the short lived CM Magazine (smart). The game was highly anticipated and duly record breaking once released but in truth only crossed the threshold of playability once the fifth "Enhancement Pack" (wat) was released (after the end of the regular 2002-03 season). I remember Xbox users getting a 2002-03 version of the CM3 series. The PC release that year should have been same with CM4 saved for 2003-04 (CM 03/04 was a solid and welcome return to form). Things must be so different these days let's hope lessons of previous eras are learnt and FM2024 will be the legitimate cross-platform bridge from old to new as intended. When CM4 was released, I recall SI stating that it was programmed in a way that would never require a full rewrite from the ground up again. 20 years is no doubt a long time in any case, but seems like this was not ultimately the case. -- In the interest of transparency, it has been a few years since I played any FM game (which was handheld), and many more years since I played a desktop version, but I do check in here occasionally looking for reasons to take the plunge once more. Finally, Miles' style of communication remains...odd...
  2. In the case of CM4, absolutely not by any metric.
  3. You'll own nothing and be happy The unfortunate truth is this is the kind of commercial model towards which things are heading and the concerns of the people in this thread will likely be negligible in such terms. What is the volume of sales that has enabled the game to top the charts year after year? How does that compare to the number of users registered to this community and/or the number of posters in the FMM forum specifically? It may be the case that most purchasers of the game are casual users and not registered here. Further, most of those people probably have Netflix subscriptions. And the number of Netflix users that will now be exposed to the game and added to the volume of casual users will outweigh the number of die hards that are prepared to boycott the game as a result of this. If the above is accurate, people like Miles should just be frank about it instead of bullshitting us with the "odd way to look at it" comment. What this means for the long term quality of the game is another question. One would think that Marc Vaughan is a very trustworthy and safe pair of hands, but when does the commercial pressure from above and/or the temptation of riches trump all else?
  4. Tone deaf and out of touch or, to adopt the vogue vernacular of the day, disingenuous, textbook gaslighting. Poor in any case.
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