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Blue Flag

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Posts posted by Blue Flag

  1. On 25/01/2023 at 23:31, knap said:

    ME 23.1


    I'd been struggling to get a 4231 work the way I wanted in the lower leagues. I was finding I was 

    a) winning but conceding too many goals

    b) most goals were all being scored by AF

    But I've used this 424 above and moved to Right AF to SS (RCAM) and left everything else the same and bingo - solid defense, winning and good goal distribution - front 4 and LDM all contributing to the goal scoring.

  2. Just wanted to say thanks and let you know these are working very well for me, i've two saves going, one using Stevenage Borough for that I am using v4 at home and v5 away am top of the blue square prem scoring loads of goals from all over the pitch and playing really good football, conceding a few but that is down to not having the quickest defence which seems really important with v5.

    On my other save I have turned your tactics into a 4-2-3-1 altering instructions for my 2 cm's, my AM and CF keeping everything else the same.

    Now I'm playing with Man utd and England on this save so it is an unfair test but the results are amazing win most games by 3 clear goals with great average ratings around the team.

    It has made me fall in love with 9.03 so thanks.

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