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Invisible Witness

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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Would love EHM mobile! Maybe one day... Hopefully Riz is still writing EHM code secretly on his breaks from FM😜
  2. The slow speed setting was fine until recently it got "Sped up". Why would someone change that? That's why we have a slider to adjust speed accordingly but the slowest speed has been taken away from us. The reason is that I like to see the build up and analyze each pass while watching. Right now it's a bit too fast probably will get used to it just don't understand why change it??? Also your replay slider is not working properly. I have it set to the slowest and it's still fast
  3. It seems that I have issue with Highlight speed slider. When I set it to the lowest speed its still faster than I'd expect. Anyone else experiencing this or it just my Lenovo tablet? It's worked before though so not sure what could be happening...
  4. I'm just curious how this new feature in 24 version works. My first season I'm playing in Bundesliga as Werder Bremen currently sitting on 14th place and I just lost an away game to Hoffenheim who are 13th in the league. The fixture rating for this game was 4 which I found odd as I didn't think Hoffenheim is that strong. My next game is against Dortmund and fixture rating is "only" 3. So what factors are contributing to this rating? It seems like the game "knows something" that we don't? Right now it tells me that this upcoming game against Dortmund should be "easier" than the previous one even though Borussia is much stronger "on the paper" than Hoffenheim....
  5. It's been a while since I touched "the touch" version hence my question : Is it possible to change teams logos to "custom" ones? If so, how can I do it? Hoping somebody could explain me step by step here or in private message. Planning on getting FM touch from apple arcade. Thank you.
  6. When viewing players stats after the game or during could you add option to freeze top row where abbreviations(headers) are? When I scroll down to see how all players perform I can't remember which row is for crossing which for tackles etc.
  7. U never know... I think Riz secretly has been writing more code time to time.
  8. I thought I'd ask :When is the new EHM coming out? What's the latest on this topic? It'd be super cool if EHM was released on tablets like FM Mobile.
  9. I have my replay speed slider set to slowest yet the speed of replay highlight is pretty fast. I guess its because the highlight speed is set to fastest? Can we seperate these two so that I can watch replay at slow speed if I want to?
  10. I have my replay speed slider set to slowest yet the speed of replay highlight is pretty fast. I guess its because the highlight speed is set to fastest? Can we seperate these two so that I can watch replay at slow speed if I want to?
  11. My players did not form a wall before the free kick. Had 3 players hanging out around midfield. My def. free kick tactics don't reflect what's just happened. Maybe because my general tactic was set to overload? I don't know but I wasn't happy that they didn't form a wall. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14wKKw9sk6PL9Rf4i0zkWKutwZ0DLVBLo/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. About to play my third league game of the season and my player already talking about CL qualifications. This comment should be reserved for much later date in the season when it's crunch time Didn't upload save but use the one from few days ago Vitória de Guimaraes
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