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38 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I did in the other thread, i am not sure how to close this thread.
  2. 12 seconds later and the other side can have up to 5 players in support
  3. The striker can often drop into the near channels too
  4. Here is the tactic (In my retro save) The first question that will come to your mind is how did I do that with the CB's. Here is a link explaining With both CB's as WCBs on attack, the obvious question is, what happens to the rest defence? Truthfully, I have become addicted to using double halfbacks and have to incorporate it into my tactics. So with 2 Half backs, what happens to the team shape? I will answer both questions With the WCB(a), once in settled play, the near sided WCB can join the attack and with the addition of double half backs where one will drop into the defence, the other will become the sole pivot. At times they will push up to join the attack which helps overload a side. At times there can be up to 6 players on one side of the pitch, I will attempt to show this. The build up for the most part will be a 3-1 but if you want more security, switch the CM to a BWM and it will become a 3-2 in build up and for the most part in rest defence
  5. Just like the previous systems, it is inspired by a lot of IRL players and the rotations that do exist in real life. For example, you can at times see Kroos or Trent drop into the defence(whether central or to the side of the defenders) to facilitate build up. Or Under Tuchel, you could sometimes see Reece occupy the right half space, or KDB overlap Mahrez at City. With Bastoni, you will understand what I am trying my once I upload the tactic If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  6. MP's DRM TM v3 This upcoming tactic is different to the previously attempted tactics in this thread but it includes different aspects that I wish to incorporate into a single team. I will attach the individuals who inspire each position and how I went about replicating them Would like to mention this again. My preference in playing this game is incorporating different aspects of real life and combining them into a tactic. It is why I love replicating existing tactics, it allows me to slowly understand IRL tactics bit by bit and improve my own understanding of football. So I do use in-game editor to give/remove traits, but I do not like to edit attributes. I may make a new thread for this tactic
  7. Sorry for the really late reply, only just seen it Its Vinchup FM24 skin
  8. When you choose the area that a player crosses to, does that influence how players act? So if I asked for a back post cross, does the ST or far sided players attack the back post more often? Perhaps doing this can lead to more players attacking that area and thus more frequent crosses. I have also previously tried to use the player I want to cross as a winger/or other wide roles but also have a WB(a) behind him to overlap and create space for crosses but I was not sure if it worked and have not really tested it since
  9. 9.) Should have an option in the team instructions to play positional play or not 10.) Let players make more long range passes. I find that even though i want a player to make more long range passes, he at max tries it 3-4 times a game, i have even checked the analytical data and his pass range and it reflects what i see. I want to replicate a TA-Arnold esque pass range and i can never seem to get even remotely close. I want to be able to use a creator deep in our own half but can rarely get him to make the kind of passes i want. 11.) Should be able to specify the player criteria that the DOF goes after. Which also should apply to the max amount that he offers in wages to the players (both signings and players in the club) 12.) The Offside trap should come back 13.) The IWB should be able to cross the ball 14.) Less highlights from throw-ins need to be shown.
  10. In the past, i always thought of this trait as a negative trait until i saw a thread explaining why it was necessary for the CB's when replicating De Zerbi. Then, for whatever reason, i just started to assume it should only be applied to defenders. But, is it not essentially what tacticos call "Pausa"? If so, it should make sense to add it to offensive players right? Or am i misunderstanding it?
  11. This is the newer version of this topic that i will continue on the same ideas however with a focus on more of my favourite modern players. If possible, could moderators end this topic please.
  12. Reece James: I wanted him to be a possible goal threat down the right side with him attacking the inside right channel which he does quite often. I could have used him as an IWB(a) however that effected the positioning of the midfielders which i am unsure of, however i may still change it. I want him to behave like he does in real life where although he may start wide, he almost always attacks in the inside right channel which is where he picks up most of his goals (you can even see this in his assist this weekend against City ) . I have found him to do this quite often so i kept the FB(a) I have added 2 traits to him, which are gets into opposition area and moves into channels. Here are his stats Although the goals are relatively low, i found that the "Beckham role" has bagged quite a lot as well as the striker so that has most probably effected it. Here are the instructions: I think this has mostly been explained already. Although i do want him to cross early at times, i want him to mostly do it from the byline as i have other players to do things from deep.
  13. In my next edition of MP’s DT tactics: It is a team filled with some of my favourite players (past but mostly present). I will slowly show the roles and traits I decided for these players with a rough explanation. And the next post will show the system. I would also like to mention that although i will use In-game editor, it will not be used to alter attributes or ability. I could have used players like Pedri,FDJ and Haaland but i felt like it would provide a better representation of the tactic if i use some players who have similar play styles/attributes and just use traits to mimic. In my main save, i use these tactics as i update them and make new version so if necessary i can post the stats for them later.
  14. The halfback has been improved a lot with its movement but i believe the hard coded "dribble less" should be removed, you should be able to use the role in a more De Jong way, as in he drops in but he dribbles it out to evade the pressure or dribbles it into the wide open space infront of him
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