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Everything posted by Yellowbucket58

  1. While I do agree pace/acceleration are extremely important in the ME, it’s only really necessary on wide players. Central positions are more than fine without elite pace. This does not mean Pace/Acceleration is properly balanced but success can be easily had with players not considered meta.
  2. I would definitely drop the wingers back to DM strata as wingbacks along with the overlap instruction as it’ll increase the wingbacks mentality slightly. Currently running a 3421 with some good wingers turned wingbacks and they’re good for 15+ G/A while also tracking back to form a back 5 which gives some nice solidity. In your set up they won’t track back naturally unless you’re manually using Opposition instruction to press/mark the opposing attacking winger/wingback and even that isn’t as reliable.
  3. It’s really hard to get wingers to score 30+ league goals in this years FM as it is in real life I suppose. I’ve also tried to maximize that position in this years FM but the IF usually caps out at around 20 non-penalty/set piece league goals with a regen player similar to Salah’s abilities ,which is the same output as Salah after that crazy season. The only time I’ve consistently had a IF consistently score around 30+ non-penalty league goals was with Mbappe (Crazy Mixture of Pace/Technicals/Mentals) or as mentioned by @crusadertsar a IF regen that was as dangerous on the ground as he was in the air (Ronaldo). In my experience the hardest part is finding the player rather than getting the desired scoring output.
  4. Sounds great! Wonder if the “extra motivation” to meet goals is tied to the player morale or something else under the hood that accounts for said motivation during a match.
  5. I do think the ME is good but boy does it produce a lot of the same goals. The most common goal scored I’ve seen is a midfielder simply hoofing it over the top of the defense, where the forward then runs into space and scores. Kinda frustrating and boring.
  6. There is a page in the pregame editor that allows the user to change the preferred tactical roles an AI coach will use in their setup. All tactical roles are available except for wide center backs.
  7. It’s nice to know they fixed or at least tweaked newgen generation. Some of the regens, if not most of them had really strange attribute spread. Attributes such as crossing, dribbling, heading, finishing were at a premium as soon a save progressed 15+ years and the database was mostly all regens. It doesn’t really affect the user as they are able to retrain and focus on certain attributes to improve, but the AI doesn’t really do that, so it lead to AI teams using players in positions and roles they didn’t have proper attributes for. For example, as a save progresses there’s always a dearth of wingbacks/fullbacks with proper crossing/dribbling, and because the AI isn’t really developing these attributes they’ll play players with abysmal ratings in said attributes, which probably isn’t great for the AI team’s performance across seasons. I’ve been able to manually fix this with a mass editor that allows me to tweak the ratings of regens, and it overall does a good in balancing regen attributes. Here’s a report I did on regen attribute spread, which should come in handy when testing for this years changes. Will report what I find.
  8. If implemented well these are some great additions to the games match AI but wouldn’t go as far as to call them headline features. These are improvements that should be expected, not advertised as major selling points.
  9. https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2022-bugs-forum/medical-and-development-centre-training-and-finances/analysis-on-regen-attribute-distribution-r6052/ Here's the report I did on regen attributes, which showcases the problem with regen attributes.
  10. It's an issue that has been acknowledged by the developers but it apparently is a problem that's difficult to fix. I've done some lengthy research on regen attribute spread and I found the game produces some really weird regens when compared to the real players at the start of the game.
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