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Tikka Mezzala

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Tikka Mezzala last won the day on June 3

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5,607 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"


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  1. We need to hit the reset button. This group of players and the manager have been responsible for guiding us to two major tournaments, which is no small feat. given our record prior to EURO 2020. So they deserve some respect. But we need to start a new cycle now. I obviously hold Calum McGregor in high regard, but I'm not against him having a more limited involvement (or even maybe having him focus solely on club duties) moving forward. He'll be 33 by the time the WC rolls around, and I don't think he'll be able to keep playing the number of games he currently does moving forward. I also think guys like Armstrong, McLean, Hanley, Ryan Jack, and Ryan Christie have to be phased out and replaced with younger players. Maybe one or two of them would be useful as experienced members of the squad, but guys like Armstrong and Jack don't bring enough to the table to continue being selected. Hopefully the likes of Ben Doak, Max Johnston, Lennon Miller, and Tommy Conway can work their way into the squad over the next cycle or two, while Lewis Ferguson will hopefully step up and become a central figure of the team. I'm not sure who I would appoint as manager if Clarke does leave. David Moyes would be the guy with the best CV, arguably, but I'm not totally sold on it. I guess we're quite limited, especially with Scottish managers. Not sure what our choices would be like if we entertained a foreign option. Seems to have worked quite well for Albania, Georgia and other smaller nations. But there's certainly risk that comes with bringing in someone totally unfamiliar with the setup here, although outside eyes might actually be a good thing. I'm open to the future and I hope whatever happens in the next few weeks/months, we're ready to go again for the World Cup qualifiers, because it would be amazing to participate in a North American-based WC with all the Scots living over in the US and Canada.
  2. Silver lining is I can avoid awkward family dinners now that Scotland won't be relying on Czechia losing to Turkey.
  3. The team desperately lacks pace at the top end of the park. Makes me yearn for the days of Ikechi Anya ffs!
  4. I would much rather we had a go tonight and lost three-nil, than to have offered nothing as an attacking threat all night, only to concede in the final moments after throwing everyone forward in a desperate attempt to snatch a late winner. Clarke's decisions ultimately cost us, but if we're going to replace him after tonight, it has to be for someone who thinks differently about football. If we're going to appoint more pragmatists, we might as well just stick with Clarke who has at least shown an ability to take us to tournaments.
  5. I've seen no evidence from Scotland to suggest that they are capable of making history. So my expectations are pretty low for tonight. I just hope Clarke is proactive and recognises if something needs changed early enough to give us a chance. If the game is getting away from us with one up front, sort it out before it's too late. Throwing on Shankland with two minutes to go does not count as having a go.
  6. Got away with that miss at the end. But should have been a comfortable win really. Very wasteful. Have to beat Turkey now, which isn't going to be easy given how poor we've been this tournament.
  7. How the **** did the referee decide that was a yellow for the Czech player there? Both pretty much making an identical tackle.
  8. Kinda mental that we've scored more goals at this tournament than France have after two games. We've barely had a shot on goal. In fact, other teams have done the scoring for us. Talk about efficiency! If only we could defend!
  9. England should just chuck a lower league jobber into the midfield to kick **** out of people. A Mark Kerr type player from the old CMs/FMs. Surely someone like that can be found throughout the EFL?
  10. Happy with the point, but the scenes if McTominay had gotten to Robertson's header across the face of goal! That would have been the moment of the tournament! It's still hard to see where our goals are coming from. Our corners were barely beating the first man, so we weren't even that threatening at set plays. But the one thing we cannot afford to do on Sunday is give away stupid goals like the one we gave away tonight. Ralston's back pass was shocking, but the whole move was just disastrous. Was it Hanley that hits it at Gilmour erratically? If he just cushions the ball down to him like a competent footballer, we probably avoid the whole thing. Panic stations when there's no real pressure in that moment. So typical of us. The silver lining is that we are still in the running heading into the final match.
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