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ajellysnake rebel

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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    Ex military, now a fibre engineer loving football.

About Me

  • About Me
    Love my fibre engineer role, kids, ps5,and FM21


  • Interests
    FM21, LMA, Football, Aston Villa, Fibre

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Aston Villa

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Kidderminster Harriers

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197 profile views
  1. I love this idea. I love that you have even thought of the stats. Leniency and Aggression etc. Awesome. I love this!
  2. I think this suggestion would work perfectly in a game that say supported challenge modes or scenarios to better word it. You dont want a full on save.. but youd like to do a scenario. Plus this would help knowing different clubs, nations etc.
  3. I think with number 3 - intial starting point of being zoomed out showing biggest [BEST REPUTATION] team badge and zooming in, with each 'zoom in' showing the clubs badges in order of stature in the game would be good. example. starting off zoomed right out on UK would be say.. Man city, Liverpool, Arsenal. then '1 click of the zoom in button' unlocks the next biggest teams.. Celtic, Rangers, Man U, then another zoom in click in shows Newcastle, Villa.. Etc..
  4. I would like to see info on how the player was found. a simple idea that says, player found by Scout. or player was headhunted by 1st team manager [INSERT SCOUT/COACH NAME HERE]. It could even be part of the "Known for" Section of managers profile. Take it further? Head over to My History overview and in there you could see players bought via scout recommendation [462], and players bought via being headhunted [102] (where you search via your own filters etc). For example. My reason for this is, it will stop a lot of debates about cheating, or it will showcase how much you really trust your scouts.
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