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Posts posted by ClaudeJ

  1. Oh yeah, I get that one too. I started to look for a water bottle as a medium of my own body language when I did read that. ^^

    Thanks for your input, guys. I'm wondering if that could a lack of workrate, which they have at around 12/20.

    We'll see when the season starts.

    Still 'd have liked to know what that means though. I guess that if it's there, it has some sort of importance.


  2. 4 hours ago, sporadicsmiles said:

    (...) I have been working recently on using counter attacking with a promoted side to overachieve, which I covered briefly here but have expanded on. I can always write a post about that if people are interested. (...)

    I am for one, please do it.
    I'm in a similar situation and to read about how you do manage such a case would be very instructive I reckon.

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