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  1. Bump. Has anyone found the workaround for this? I’m having the exact same issue
  2. What’s the difference between youth recruitment and junior coaching? Which should I prioritise for a youth building save?
  3. Which of the pinned threads (I.e. book of roles, pairs &combinations etc) are now obsolete for FM23?
  4. I can relate. Especially being at wits end with the tactical side and seeing no payoff for all that effort. Many here that fancy themselves tactical geniuses would advise you spend hours and hours reading footballing jargon. When all is said and done though, it’s a game. A game that hinges on ‘metas’ the same as any other game would. To learn what these metas are I suggest you visit this site: https://fm-base.co.uk/forums/fm23-tactics.276/ Download some of the top tactics, load them in, and just watch them for a while on extended/comprehensive highlights. Why are these tactics working? Which role combos and instructions do the most damage? After a while you should memorise a few of the patterns here and be able to make your own powerful tactic without wasting time. Have fun!
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