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25 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Video Games (FM, RL), Space, Formula 1

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  1. For me the meta is EBFM, with some adjustments from ZaZ. EBFM has showed us what to select and what not. Also, match prep seems to do no work (even negative some times). Recovery etc, is not needed. Just adjust the Rest tab as in screenshot. I just paste this schedule each week, and make sure to have 2 match practice trainings.
  2. Speed, speed and speed. Also jumping reach for DCs. Go to fmarena. They made some interesting test regarding attributes. Pace is the most important followed closely by acc. Number 3 but firther away is Jumping reach. All others are not so important as we may think.
  3. Oh yeah. Lazio did me good this year in CL. 12 goals conceeded in 3 games with a total of 3 xG for them. It happens in real life. What can you do...
  4. Hello, i just discovered (although been playng for many years) that if you place a first team player in the B team, his wage doesn't count in the wage budget anymore, freeing it up. So i suppose this is an easy trick to get over the wage budget, or free up some wage budget if you keep him in B team. And as a bonus, if the player was unhappy for some reason, making others unhappy as well, when you place him in B team, everybody forgets he exsists. Is this how it is supposed to work? FYI, i am playing in German third league.
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