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Everything posted by Brasilia88

  1. To summarize: I've gotten the job at Tacuarembó, Uruguay, in July and with the promise of a coaching course, National C License. In November I finished it and immediately requested for a new one. Note: I was about to get promoted through playoffs unexpectedly. Surely, it got declined.. fine! I can live with it. However, it is now March and the option hasn't come up once. Is this normal? I don't remember in '22 this being the case. Other options, such as pitch relay, facilities etc. have come and gone 3x already...
  2. In my head, other teams visit my training sessions and see these players.... Even though, this makes zero sense due to the other clubs barely getting by, but that's how I imagine it. Some have agents who send other clubs messages too, like we get, but a big quantity doesn't even have those.
  3. It's indeed ridiculous... In my save, I've been promoted to the first division of Uruguay. The club also went from semipro to pro, so I've been quite busy with trial farming, finding loans etc. The ones who enter the club want 2x the maximum wage (30k > 80k per year). In all honesty, why would any sane person go on a trial and not knowing how much he could earn?! Dude, you were unemployed together with +300 other people and you are mediocre at best?! Not to mention all of them wanting to be star players with a stamina of 8... On top of it all, some who come on trial don't even want to enter contract negotiations. The system really needs to be revised, since it's bonkers!
  4. Hello, I live in Brazil and the game isn't available here. Therefore, one would have to use 'alternative' ways for the game to be available, which shall not be named here. Suggestion: Would it be possible to make the entirety of Brazilian football as 'DLC' for the rest of the world? Marketing option: You could even make the DLC a 'mandatory' bundle for all other countries, so the 'basic' game, which doesn't have Brazil, would be a tad more expensive than the DLC-included version, since you'd have to remove something.
  5. Short answer? Greed... Long answer: Brazilian football organization and its' players want money from SI/Sega (?) for using their images, names etc. Hence, why you only have FLA, BOT etc. in the normal version, yet the players by name are. Consequently, in Brazil the game isn't unavailable for purchase and for the foreseeable future it won't be either.
  6. People are bickering here about whether or not the game will be good. Here I am hoping the game will be available in Brazil without having to use any shenanigans. Last year Gamepass stopped working, 3rd parties sell the game for 2x it's value and if you want buy the game 'directly', you'd have to jump through many loopholes.
  7. I used to have the Gamepass version and it should be there in your /Documents folder. You might have to start FM for the first time for it to be made. Note: you can also change the location through Preferences (ingame). This comes in handy when you have +10gB of addons and your SSD is small.
  8. When loaning out, look at the CA and not their PA, since it will determine what kind of clubs are interested. I wouldn't look at potential youth club ratings, since that's 'under the radar'. You would want your young dude to play normal games. Therefore, look at their training facilities and go from there and makes sure he gets game time, meaning important player or squad player if desperate. Also note that countries offer citizenship quickly, such as Spain. Surely, the UK isn't EU anymore, but it can help you out with registration on the long run.
  9. When you ask for one outside your area, it will state the cost. However, the game doesn't show you exact numbers. For that to happen, you'd need to go to the finance section and look at scouting cost there. The problem there is that it doesn't specify costs. For that to happen, you'd have to send a scout out and see how much gets written down in the finance section. Note: you can't have any othe scouting going on to know for sure how much the report costs. Thinking of it, this could be a good suggestion as improvement for the next game.
  10. I am not sure if it works or how to do it, but you can schedule an 'expected' takeover by your mother and maybe that solves it.
  11. It has and it can rack up easily. If it's within your scouting range, it will cost you an amount. However, if it's outside, you'll even get a message stating how much it can be. Having said that, your board might also not allow it. I have found all this out by spending 500k in the lower leagues.... luckily, there is such a thing as spawning friendlies and cup runs.
  12. I agree that the AI needs to improve, but FM as we know it would change drastically. This is due to the adaptations you'd have to make to the game. Now it's kind of a Dungeons and Dragons principle: Roll 20 and you can dribble the FB. Roll a 9 and he passes the ball, however opponent rolls a 12 and intercepts the ball. The rolls are all based on stats of the player and what not. To make it more flexible, you'd need human input, since any AI (and I really mean any) is incapable of making its' own decisions. Even fully 'autonomous' cars work from this principle. They function through thousands of inputs (photos, commands, pathways etc.), thus having a 'railroaded' system. Coming back to the game, this human input could be focused on less tactics BEFORE the game and MORE during the game. However, no system is flawless and I reckon that within a month this new system is implemented guides are available online. Conclusion: any kind of system which heavily relies on calculations is a prisoner of its' own system.
  13. I've mentioned it in order topics, but the AI uses a code: X=y+z-b (as an example surely, since the official code probably consist of a wall of text). Therefore, people can meta the tactic due to various reasons: the source code not changing much (Gegenpress being op is a meme at this point), people having more experience with the concept of the game itself, people sharing their tactics and the list goes on. Moreover, for those who are familiar with other heavy CPU games (e.g. Civilization, EU4) know that you can outperform the AI, because it is railroaded. It doesn't naturally 'learn' (yet!) from it's mistakes or thinks outside the box, which human players obviously do, hence the crazy tactics as seen here. Not even self-driving cars have this option! The point I'm trying to make is that FM25 is needed for an enormous overhaul. How? It beats me... However, people will (and should be able to) find meta tactics and training schedules that produce the desirable result.
  14. Young players usually have bad mentals, because of their lack of experience in professional football. Physical > Skills> Mental is my order of selecting a good dude. Moreover, the lower you are in the pyramid, the more you can 'ignore' the mental stats due to the opposition being bad too. Hence why some highlights are pure comedy at that level.
  15. Finding, signing and developing players is my favorite thing of the game. I can't see the joy in it to receive a bunch of dudes and you have to make it work. Not to mention the difficulty I, as a human, have with finding decent backs....
  16. Either ignore it and accept the offer or look for a new club. This part of the game is a gimmick IMHO.
  17. You can use five loans. Get them all for free and you're fine. At the moment in my York save, I have six loans. The 6th is a gamble, but you can use him frequently and with rotating there is no one who will complain. That will save you another 100k a week.
  18. The game only values PA and/or reputation, so it's easy to keep your unknown, yet good players. The same can be said regarding why it can be difficult to sell said players.
  19. To get a precise answer, you'd have to get the code of this function. I imagine it would be a lot of X's and Y's put together for a number to come up that represents a coaching skill. Part of me is curious to see, but another part of me wouldn't due to it ruining the immersion.
  20. I'm in the same boat. You see some actions that are really hilarious and frustrating depending on to whom it occurs. Player chases a ball and stops in the middle of his run... Keeper shoots the ball against the opposition and scores. Player has amazing physicals and the lowest score imaginable in technical skills (Honestly, I wish there were an option to suggest a career switch for these people). The list is endless.
  21. I find it more hilarious to see the xG stats and two clear cut chances... xD Not to mention the scores of the players.
  22. Steam reviews are satire in itself: Doesn't recommend game >> has +1k hours After an hour doesn't recommend it >> for FM, you'd just have pressed the continue button. Other games, such as from PDX, fall in the same category Game is slow >> plays on a potato from the cold war era Review bombing, because... reasons!
  23. They'd have to run more and positioning would count as well due to dropping down the field a bit. Meaning they'd have to start further away from goal and are, thus, required to be physically involved with an implications. This consequence the game doesn't count for, since every number for 'Positioning' (to number a major one) is a stat allocated to how well they are in that position, but not compared to themselves in other roles or positions. Surely, the system counts competence in said role, but that's trainable and, as far as I know, only affects their PA. Therefore, one could argue that older players could be totally incompetent in a slightly different role or position, but they still 'function' in a way. Besides, the star system compares itself with your own stock of players, so that is your to-go point.
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