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Everything posted by Brasilia88

  1. The AI can be quite weird with scouting and they are quite bad at it if you leave them to it. What is important is to see where the scouts are doing their bidding, what they have for stats and what packages you have. Surely, since you're in 2045 (wow!), I reckon the above mentioned items must be okay due to having +4 club reputation and such.
  2. Get free loans and look for end of contract players for now. Have your pre-season loaded up with games against top teams (some extra cash to cover some salaries). Alternatively, you can also try to tour Chine our the US, but I'm not sure you can do that. I'm trying the latter myself, but my board only is allowing to tour Europe for now. I heard it brings in some sponsor money eventually, but I haven't found any forum posts (here or other websites) about it. Anyway, aim for promotion and sell when possibly the oldies.
  3. My gtx960m is crying in a corner... Nonetheless, where I live they sell 3x and 4x series for either a kidney or liver.
  4. Recently poached a Colombian as MVV. He's now playing for Dortmund. Bloody release clause got them my best player and CB.
  5. It would have to be a format that SPSS (a statistical program) or sth similar can handle. Personally, I wouldn't want to be the person to have to keep that list (and all it's implications) up-to-date.
  6. The only thing I wonder is that the game implies the quality of coaching goes down when a coach gets send on a course. However, I have difficulty identifying the mentioned issue.
  7. These are valid points and I agree with your observations. However, if they already could simply have 'rounds' of negotiations instead of these arbitrary '3 strikes and we're out' kind of things, I'll be on cloud nine. From there they could simply apply your input and work from there. Nevertheless, I have a high suspicion that FM24 won't be bringing any of these items and perhaps not even FM25, due to it's entire rework.
  8. Has been in the game since as far as one can remember and at this point it has become a feature.... Surely, one proud fan of this game would say it's realistic, since not every day Barcelona drops by to 'outbid' you by offering the player a season ticket to watch the game (from the bench if lucky) and minimum wage.
  9. I wonder if IRL players see what people have to say about them on forums, TV 'debates' and what not. This week you are the reincarnation of <insert name here> and next week you are the biggest twit around. Honestly, if we get tired of interviews in the game, imagine the amount of stupidity players have to face IRL.
  10. Finished first of the Eredivisie with MVV in the third season. It came quite unexpected, since Ajax was first for 95% of the time and I was already planning the land Europa League football. However, now 16 million (excluding the price money from winning the leaugue) is coming my way, so things are working out nicely. It's quite easy to find new, free and good players, but it takes a ton of your time to find them. The same can be said about loans.
  11. Eredivisie (NL) is similar. According to my predictions, I will be 6 million in debt within two years, yet I am well under my spending cap and I´m about to roll into Europe. My only hope is to score more sponsors to cover my 100k monthly loss. I´m already at five senior affiliates who pay annually 50k with free loans, so really board: get a better accountant!
  12. I always thought it was based on country and not on city... Having said that, I reckon cities in Western-Europe must be fighting each other over decimals, but when compared to developing places there must be a significant amount to consider. Moreover, doesn´t it also matter to how much a player gets paid? I mean, I can´t imagine Mpabbé taking the subway in Paris... Therefore, the system ought to be a bit flawed, no?
  13. I always imagine a 3 year old throwing a tantrum in those cases... Cry it out for a few weeks in the B-team and hopefully you are not popular among your colleagues.
  14. and then when you even suggest it to the board you go on a £300 course, there is no money or it´s not the right time.... Some bugs have really become features in the game.
  15. Nothing much has changed regarding sheikhs or oligarchs looking for new toys to play with. Royal Antwerp and Fortuna Sittard have gone under some changes, but one wouldn´t call them ´rich´, contenders for European football at best.
  16. As priority76 and rusty217 have mentioned, it is al due to his reputation. I have seen it myself plenty of times with national league clubs: a free agent with no club. The problem lays in the fact that his wage might be a problem too. This may not be due to the player himself, but also due to EU rules. With MVV I found a cool Kazakh (?) player for free, but I have to pay him $+200k a year, which only few clubs can spend, not to mention dare to give away to an unknown player. He is now on an amateur contract and I´m hoping I can pay him in the near future.
  17. International managing is dull and you are more on holiday than anything else basically. Besides, being the manager of Trinidad.... there aren´t many players to choose from and you don´t play many games due to lack in player quality.
  18. Underwhelming is the definition... They are really focusing on the whole analytics of the game, which sounds cool, yet doesn´t give you that oomphf!
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