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Gary James

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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. My club is close to breaking European FFP rules and I was planning to sell in the january window to ensure that I comply with the rules. As I am in Europe I my board can only invest 21.55 million over a 3 year period and as such I am suprised to see my board inject 33.5 million into the club. Surely that means my club should be banned from Europe next year regardless of what sales I make?
  2. This has to be a bug surely??? My Chairman has just announced that the club has agreed a new sponsorship with a local company. The deal is for £0 over 3 years. Unless my Chairman has some terrible hidden stats. Not quite the help to my FFP restrainststhat I thought was coming as I first saw the message lol.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. IMO the future fee would just be what is paid if condition x is met and the loan fee is made up of wages and any loan fee. I see them as 2 distinct values but that could just be how I am reading it.
  4. In my save which I have transferred from FM23 I have noticed that whenever a player gets signed on loan wit a future fee mentioned in the news report it is c0ompletely different to what appears in their contract info. It seems to happen on every player.
  5. It is Under 21 players so a 21 year old does not count towards this rule.
  6. Hi all, As we know when a player signs a contract they negotiate a loyalty bonus which gets paid on a monthly basis. If we sell the player we pay out the full remaining bonus unless they have handed a transfer request in which voids the bonus. My question is what happens if we offer them a new contract? Does it get paid in full or is it voided with the new loyalty bonus taking over from the date that they sign? I have searched online and these forums and I cannot find anything that clarifies this.
  7. In my save I have used my 6 U21 signings for the year and as such had a look at free players I could sign in January on a free that would be 21 or over. I such player I found was Jorge Aponte who contract runs out on 01/01/34. Jorge is currently 20 years old but his birthday is on 01/10 so will be 21 before he signs. Unfortunately after obtaining a Work Permit the game told me that the deal had been cancelled as I had already hit my limit of U21s. What this indicates is that the game is implementing this rule on the day that the contract is signed instead of appling the rule to the date they will join. In my opinion the joining date should be checked on the signing day and cancelled if you are not within the limite but it should not be using one of your spaces or cancelling the deal if they will be 21 when they join. I do not have a save prior to this event but to recreate you can enter straight back into negotiations and repeat the process.
  8. North America (Central) also does not appear on the list of regions under Scouting Coverage > World Knowledge
  9. When one of my Scouts had completed their Intensive Language Course I click on him to see how his knowledge was developing as he is scouting North America (Central) I was suprised to see that he has built absolutely no lnowledge although every other scout covering alternative regions is. Even if there have not found any targets. When I checked the Scouting Clverage page I noticed that this region does not zoom in like every other region does. This indicates that there are no countries in this region unless I am missing something.
  10. For context my team has made a decent transfer profit this year as well
  11. I am unsure if this is a bug but I have just had the Premier League Profit and Loss come through and it states that I have made a loss of £65.85million This did not ring true to me as I have made a loss of £10.5 mil this season and £17.1 mil last year so even if you added both together it wouldn't add up. I have payments to make on transfers as well as other lub debt and I have future transfers incoming but I do not think they should be included into the calculation. This game is transferred from FM23 btw. As I said I do not know if this is a bug or a fundamental misunderstanding of how this number is being calculated.
  12. @Zachary Whyte I don''t have any recent before this unfortunately but I do upload saves quite reguarly as I noticed small bugs but if you check my recent posts you may find one. All my saves are called Gary James - 'Fault Name Sorry I can't be any more help?
  13. My club has a stadium capacity of 5,890 (5880 seated) but as I have started a new season I get a news report telling me we have sold 6,109 season tickets so far. This save game was transferred from fm23.
  14. Yeah its not a major issue it just reminds me that I can't use the feature every time somebody fails to secure a work permit lol
  15. @Zachary Whyte I understand that and it makes sense thank you. If ESC players are not in ported saves wouldn't it make sense for this message not to appear in game then? Or is it not possible to have different messages depending on the save file?
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