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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Is any version of HGF 451 good for an underdog? ME 23.1 HGF 451 AF P110 CC would be a good choice? you will not test it in the new version?
  2. I don't know how much this breaks tactics created with an offensive mentality, but with a defensive mentality I sometimes attack more often. Maybe it's because there are fewer ball losses, :embarrassed: and I can spend more time looking for attack options than defending after losing the ball
  3. ME 23.1 SUS Tactic , Is this a tactic to keep the desired result? downloaded
  4. PARIS 4231 DM P107 EC CC according to tests, this is the most defensive tactic, 15 goals conceded?
  5. Is there an understanding before the game, knowing what scheme the computer will play. To expose the scheme initially winning under it? Do you have formations that you have against 3-5-2, 4-4-2, against wingers? Do you analyze your opponent? Does it make sense to put a scheme for him before the game and not change just one mentality?
  6. Friends... At what point can you understand that your tactics are not working and you need to change them? Can't you create scoring chances? Or does the opponent create a lot of chances and you need to urgently change the scheme of the game? How much time is needed for this? The coordinate switching of the scheme requires massive replacements of players and doing it in the 1st half is also risky
  7. Knap , what tactics to choose for a very weak amateur league? I take top tactics from fm-arena.com , but still lose and go to 24th place...
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