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Posts posted by Mbh90

  1. 20 hours ago, Par7yPoison said:

    It would be £560 I believe I worked it out as - but cant pay it off til January when the account is credited with the "discount". There is 15% cashback on the Currys one through Quidco though so that would be a bit cheaper in the end (although knowing Quidco theres a chance you dont necessarily get it) 

    It would be used for pretty much FM, TellTale games, Planet Coaster (and maybe Zoo) plus a few older games and some officey stuff.

    Yes that’s correct, you can also go through topcashback I think it’s 2% not sure 

  2. 1 hour ago, kevhamster said:

    They are very similar - the one from Very has a marginally better graphics card (completely unimportant for FM), but the one from Currys has twice the storage.

    Personally, out of the two I'd go for the Currys if I was choosing.  There's very little in it in terms of the graphics card, and that's quite an increase in price for a marginally better GPU.  Of course, it does depend on if you play other games too.

    The one from Very is actually cheaper if you use the 20% discount code

  3. 7 hours ago, Smurf said:

    Ssd has little or no effect for FM performance.

    Youre better off putting money into the processor and graphics card.

    This is for everyones benefit:

    You cannot change the processor or the graphics card in most laptops.

    What you can change is the RAM and the hard drive. Both easily done they are plug and play. Mosy laptops just have a piece you unscrew under the laptop.

    If you are not bothered about 3d put your money into the processor.

    8gb Ram is min.

    I’m not bothered about 3d.. I looked at 3 laptops,all three have 8gb ram and GTX1050 graphics one of those had i5-8300h processor and the other two have the i5-9300h processor. I chose the one with i5-9300h processor and ssd for faster loading times 

  4. 15 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    This one won't boot up or load games as quickly initially, because whilst it has much more storage space, it's a standard hard drive, as opposed to the solid state drive in the cheaper one (but that one has barely any storage space on it), but processing will likely be a bit faster, though whether you'd notice the difference, I'm not sure (it's only 0.1GHz difference in processing speed for both the base speed and the boosted speed). I'd probably go for the Argos one anyway though, as you'll be able to save a lot more on the hard drive, even if it does boot slightly slower.

    I’ve read some reviews on asus fx laptops thermal throttling so decided against that and chose to stick with a laptop that has an ssd. I’ve bought this one now 


  5. Hi guys,

    I've missed out on the hotukdeal hp laptop above, would have ordered it if I had seen it early enough! 

    I’ll be playing in fm20 in 2d with 4-6 leagues medium database. I don’t play any other games and won’t use the laptop for anything else.

    Whats your thoughts on this laptop? Or is there an alternative cheaper than this? 



    Appreciate any input, thanks

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