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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Hi all, I'm playing FM24, as Inter Miami (never managed Messi and wanted to do it before he retires). As per the title, most of my attacks are coming through the wings, and I'm trying to understand why? These are my attack channels from a recent game: As you can see only 6% of my attacks are through the centre. (BTW - I don't know how to get this graphic after a game) Its so extreme that my Ass Man regularly recommends Wing Play training and the board has taken to complementing the effectivity of our Wing Play. This is my setup and typical starting lineup: I don't mind per-se, that my attacks are coming on the wings - the team is doing well, winning games, and Messi is unsurprisingly my leading scorer. So I don't particularly need a full critique of my formation - but feel free to do so if you have interesting pointers as I'm always keen to learn. There are some wasted crosses, as Messi obv isn't much in the air ... but with low crosses I get a lot of fizzers that my guys get on the end of for a tap in. But as mentioned, the main question here is to understand why I attack the way I do ... My thoughts are: 1. my wingbacks are two of my better players, with dynamic roles, and so find space and therefore opportunities 2. I distribute to the wingbacks (but also centre backs) 3. I don't have a playmaker in the centre of the pitch attracting the ball What do you think of these reasons? Can you suggest other reasons? I really just want to learn and improve my tactical understanding ... Cheers.
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