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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Austria Wien

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  1. Hi knap , is there any tactic that you can say is similar to a conte style of play ie counter attacking football
  2. Hi knap , if you had to recomend a 3 at the back tactic , which would it be ?
  3. i am doing austria wien at the moment and you start the save with 85million euro of debts aswell. the thing is with a couple of good runs in europe you can remove the debt easily. in fact it took me just 4 seasons and during that time i always won the league and did a double and even went through to last 16 of champions league. i was told aswell bursaspor are literally littered with debt and have been relegated to division 3 aswell
  4. well italy is actually littered with clubs with bad finances, serie c is full of bankrupt clubs and phoenix clubs aswell. @Signorspecial that look like one hell of an achievement man, with genoa.
  5. Hi guys , i was wondering if anyone knows of clubs that are swamped in debt and financial instability. I tried to search the net maybe there are any articles but unfortunately wasn't very helpful. I wasn't really only interested in English clubs but mostly on a European level. personally i have found Austria Wien that have over 80m debt. if you know of any other clubs , feel free to post them here. could be an awesome idea for a save with a club that needs huge amount of effort
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