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Posts posted by FitzyBhoy

  1. Hi,

    I'm wondering if there is a way to see a clubs Hot Prospect in their club by viewing their clubs main info tab just like previous years under the Key People bit of the skin, which shows Captain, Vice-Captain and Key player. It used to also show Hot Prospect and it was easy to go through any nation of your choice and control clicking through every club and scouting every teams hot prospect. Amazing way to pick up youth intake newgens btw.


    I'm pretty sure last year all you had to do was zoom out your resolution in the scaling tab in the FM Preferences to say 85% but this year that isn't working and I'm wanting to know if this has been removed?



  2. Hi All,


    I’m looking to see if anyone has had any luck in changing the attribute colours on the main profile page of a player. I’d like to change it, as the good attributes and the really good attributes when it changes from >15 both look the exact same. It’s really hard to tell the difference of the blue colours. It would be more suitable to have the stand out really good attributes a bright green for instance, <15 to 10 the blue colour and then <10 greyed out or a really dark colour that’d not suitable.


    I’ve tried turning on the colour blind option in preferences but nothing changed.


    Thanks a lot.

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