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Posts posted by Finochio

  1. 3 hours ago, lucasz said:

    Hello Guys, 

    I’m brazilian and I’d really like to play FM on my ipad. But the game is not available on my region

    Is there any way I can buy it from another country’s appstore?

    Also, does anyone know if I switch my apple account to another country if I lose my applets+ subscription?


    thank you

    Buy a USD 25 Apple Gift Card at Amazon.com (US Store). They will send you the code by email instantaneously. Open your US Apple account, insert the code received on email. Buy the game and be happy!

  2. I’m really stressed/annoyed with this matter. ME seems to be strange when players go inside the box. Attackers normally slow down, almost stop, really waiting for some contact and do nothing for some seconds (they don’t pass, don’t kick, don’t dribble, nothing, just wait for some contact all the time). On the other side, defenders really do not challenge and wait or when they challenge, referees awards ridiculous penalties for every kind of contact. There ain’t any double team, any pressing, nothing intelligent. When defenders double team, generally are outside the box and on bad places always leaving open spaces (large as a Maracanã) to the strikers.

    Please fix these ridiculous penalties. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    Unlockables = stuff you can achieve; yes - for the most part. 

    Consumables = no. With the exception of International Management, all consumables (ie: Magic Sponge) can be used loads of times. 

    Some like New Stadium can be used multiple times in save, but have a cooling off period in between them. 

    The money can be bought and used how you want, but there is a limit how much you can have in your "Wallet" at any one time.

    Oh.. got it.. just search in the manual but couldn’t find a list of what are consumables and what are unlockables. Could you please list or tell us?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Lucas said:

    You can use the unlockable only once per save, but you can use the unlockable on multiple saves. 

    It's unlockable, not a consumable. Once you've unlocked it or bought it, you have it forever. There's just a restriction on its use,

    First time on FMT after years and years of Full fat version.

    So I presume that all unlockables works on this way, right?


  5. 9 hours ago, Lucas said:

    Great idea but a discount isn’t possible because they are different stores. It would be like trying to get a 2 for 1 offer for an item accepted in Sainsburys and Tesco, just not going to happen. 

    If one of the stores buys the other one day then it becomes more possible but not until then unfortunately. 

    Thanks, but there are some good ways to concede this kind of discount. For example, concede a gift card code (steam, apple and google all have ones) for those who bought both versions, and shouldn’t be hard to establish such promotion with such sellers. It could work like a kind of ‘cash back’, you will just need to check if client bought the game on two platforms, and the gift card could be used to buy future versions or, even better, buy the unlockable features generating new revenue almost instantly.

    Free consulting, hahahaha

  6. Other thing that SI should think is concede a discount for those people who have FMT on PC and on a Tablet, ir order to cross sync games. We understand that are different stores (steam, google play, Apple Store, etc) however people are buying the same game. A incentive to use cross sync should be turned into a discount coupon or something related.

  7. On 11/10/2019 at 15:20, BMNJohn said:

    @WojciechZed: In a sense, FM somewhat (huge grain of salt there) has Mental development at the late stages of one's career. Older players tend to have pretty good Mental attributes, which makes them very well suited for Tutoring/Mentoring. However in matches, physical attributes in FM decline way quicker than they do IRL. 32+ years old outfields quickly become irrelevant physically, which makes their growth in Mental attributes pointless. If you cannot get to the job, it doesn't matter how smart you are at said job.

    Someone had ran an experiment where they found that players past their 30s when the save starts tend to be still pretty decent physically, as they were scouted by real people. However and once the save kicks in, you see fewer and fewer 35 yo players. They just tend to retire around that age or become physically impotent. I think it's this thread.


    I couldn’t agree more. Since FM 12, every save that I have I make a plan to sell or not renew contracts of players of 32+ years old (of course there are some exceptions, specially when I’m not managing great teams on great leagues). I remember once a time at CM0102 when I brought Pavel Nedved to play on Brazil, he had 37 years old, but the effects of his football were devastating to the league. Even that his physical abilities were decreasing, he shown amazing passes and goals.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Alex Pitt said:

    The Pre-Release Beta is only available on Steam. To get it on your iPad you will have to wait for the full release of the game on the App Store. Do not buy the game from the website if you only want it on your iPad - the only way to get the game on iPad is from the App Store once the game is released.

    Great! I’ll be waiting! Many thanks Alex!

  9. On 31/10/2019 at 13:27, Neil Brock said:

    As you've hopefully already seen, the Football Manager 2020 Touch Pre-Release Beta is now available to download and install.

    This thread is for any feedback on the game, all we ask is to please keep it constructive. And as always, if you do come across any issues within the game, please do take the time to raise them via our Football Manager 2020 Touch Pre-Release Beta Bugs Forum.

    We very much hope you enjoy! 

    Trying to search the FM Touch 2020 on the Apple App Store, however could not find. Solely FM Touch 2019 or FM Mobile 2020.

    US Region. If I buy the game on Foot’Manager website how could I download it to my IPAD?

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