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Posts posted by bakersdozen22

  1. 7 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    extract panels

    and look in panels/menubar - i believe you can change the red_replacement="" to change the icon colours

    You're a star! Finally got it working!! Spent way too long trying to solve it myself when i should have just asked! Thank you very much

  2. Hi you clever lot,

    I've been scouring this forum for a long time today trying to work out how to change the colour of the icons on the sidebar to be the secondary colour by default, but i can't for the life of me find any instructions on what i need to do. 

    Looking at the screenshot, the continue button does what i would like to do on the sidebar by having the blue text on the claret background. Ideally i'd like it to be dynamic so it changes with each club/competition screen i click on.

    Got my fingers crossed that somebody can point me in the right direction!

    Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 17.23.29.png

  3. 8 hours ago, FMEnhanced said:

    Hi @bakersdozen22, thanks for the feedback.

    I understand your feelings regarding the processing bar. New things often do feel alien and had FM done it this year themselves, the response would undoubtedly be the same. There are several popups in the game and I wanted the processing bar to join them in its aesthetic. There are no other "glued-to-the-top" elements like the processing bar and the change feels like a subtle improvement.

    The Z, as you have pointed out is there due to my partnership with Zealand. We kept everything as subtle as possible with links hidden away in menus and the tutorial button only appearing when one is available etc. Compared to what it could have been, I think we did a decent job.

    The skin will inevitably be somewhat slower due to the increase of elements on each modded page, some of which are "calling" a lot of variables in order for elements to work properly. I'm working on streamlining things to make them snappier if at all possible.

    Regarding the kit labels, I completely understand, though in order to achieve a decent enough size for the kits, something had to go and the labels were the most expendable. Most people know what their kits are and that the order is "Home, Away, Third" or "Home, Away" with only two kits.

    Regarding the finances, I originally had the Pink Finances chart available on all club pages but removed it for this very reason. I compromised with the current set of financial data which, contrary to your thoughts, is actually very realistic as is information that is accessible to anyone and everyone. I kept back information that you would not have access to such as the Current Transfer Budget/Wage Budget etc. as that information can only be speculated on.

    Places like Forbes list the most valuable clubs all the time, and you can read information regarding club wage bills etc. all the time in the newspaper. Other clubs are well aware of their competitors overall financial situations, it is merely the specific seasonal budgets etc. that would be private for obvious reasons. Despite the information given, you still don't know how much a club has to spend or whether they have room in their wage budget for another top signing. That seemed right to me as one could easily use that information to manipulate transfer proceedings.

    FInally, I encourage you to take a look at the code and have a crack at making your own skin. It takes a bit of getting used to for sure, though once you crack the basics, you can easily change a few colours here and there, move something across the page etc. My initial foray into the skinning world came when I wasn't entirely satisfied with the skin I was using. The ability to make a tweak here and there is priceless 👍

    ALL the best 🤘

    Really can’t argue with any of the points made here neither do I want to. Nothing but admiration for the effort and desire you clearly have for this skin. 

    I know a lot of skin preferences are subjective which is why it was just my own opinion - taking absolutely nothing away from what you’ve made here. Really really impressive 👍🏻

  4. I really do like this skin but I'd like to give the following feedback:

    • Personally, I'm not a fan of the processing drop down now being in the centre of the screen. Feels a bit alien for a Football manager game.
    • Not a fan of the 'Z' at the top where 'FM' usually is - I understand the reasoning for it though.
    • This skin feels slightly slower than the default FM skin. When I go back to default it feels much more reponsive. (Caching enabled)
    • Prefer to have the home/away/third colour bars underneath the kits on the club overview. 
    • Don't like having access to club finances when it's not very realisic that I can just look at any club and know exactly how much they are worth etc. Again, I understand why people would want it though. 
    • Don't like the option to sim a game whilst actually in a match. 

    Apart from that - absolutely outstanding work! 

    Please don't take this post the wrong way, just wanted to give as constructive feedback as possible as I really do feel this skin is the best one I've seen made for any FM version. 

  5. 5 hours ago, SkeltonTom said:

    Yeah unemployed could be a decent shout and see where the FM world takes me! What recommendations for badges and experience? Middle ground?

    This is my choice for this season. Going try and just have one save to last me all of FM22. 

    I just started unemployed with no badges and Sunday league experience and got the Cork City job in the Irish 2nd division. I will do what I can at Cork with the money provided and then try and move around different clubs to get to the top and eventually win the top leagues in England, France, Spain, Germany and Italy. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Jibby123 said:

    :thup: Good to know, it's for this reason I was waiting until full release so could try the demo before deciding to buy or not. 

    I wouldn't take my experience as proof that it's fixed for everyone but so far i haven't seen even a slight stutter in gameplay. I hope this continues into the final version on 9th November, if so i'll be one happy customer. 

  7. Absolutely buzzing with this beta. I'm struggling to find any bugs at all minus some of the player loading times that have previously been mentioned. 

    I also want to say thanks to the developers for finally sorting out the smoothness of the match engine graphics. The past 3 FM's have struggled with lag and stuttering for a lot of users (mainly with Nvidia GPU's), but it seems they have been completely ironed out. This match engine is completely polished! Great work! 

  8. On 18/10/2021 at 22:10, fc.cadoni said:

    As always, 7 years now, 1 save per FM version.

    - Unemployment
    - No coaching badge
    - Sunday League Football

    Do you load any particular nations for this? I'm doing the same this year with all the divisions loaded in:

    • England
    • France
    • Germany
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Netherlands
    • Northern Ireland
    • Wales
    • Republic of Ireland
    • Scotland

    On a medium database looking at around 50k players.

  9. Hi guys,

    As the title says - any ideas? I've literally not changed a single thing about the game, just turned on my PC this evening and they were all gone? Initially all logos weren't there at all so I reloaded the game and it reverted back to the normal logos that come with the game.

    All players faces, kits, logos, trophies etc etc have stopped working but they are in the same file location as they always have been (sports interactive > Football Manager 2021 > Graphics

    Any ideas?

  10. 3 hours ago, david castaño said:

    Buenos dias tengo el mismo problema que vosotros y desde ayer probé otra cosa diferente aparte de las configuraciones de rendimiento desde el panel de NVIDIA , que es desactivar la optimizacion de pantalla y desde ayer el tartamudeo y lag es inexistente o super leve y hay un cambio muy grande para bien 

    buscais el ejecutable de fm21 (FM21.EXE)

    EN EL ICONO DE FM21.EXE pinchais boton derecho /propiedades/compatibilidad... y marcais la casilla de deshabilitar optimizacion de pantalla completa. 

    parece que va bastante mejor


    Translated to English:

    "Good morning I have the same problem as you and since yesterday I tried something different apart from the performance settings from the NVIDIA panel, which is to deactivate the screen optimization and since yesterday the stuttering and lag is non-existent or super slight and there is a change too big for good

    You are looking for the executable of fm21 (FM21.EXE) ON THE FM21.EXE ICON, click the right button / properties / compatibility ... and check the box to disable full screen optimization. seems to be going a lot better"

    Worth a go guys!

  11. 5 hours ago, priority76 said:

    Ouch! That's an expensive card.  Have you tried with crowd turned off?

    Not bad compared to others but still annoying that I have a brand new 3000 series card and the game still stutters. I did try turning the crowd off but it didn't really change anything. 

    4 hours ago, huntersgold1971 said:

    lower your FPS on your video card settings to 60 , i had mine on 144 and i had a stutter , fixed it when i lowered it.

    Already tried that too. Didn't solve the issue i'm afraid. 

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