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Posts posted by NicklasBlack

  1. Hi everyone.
    I'm currently in the process of building a new pc and FM is the game I play most.
    Would the game benefit much from running on a Ryzen 7 5800X3D as opposed to running on a Ryzen 7 5800X?
    The price difference is 135€ so if there isn't much of a difference on FM I'd rather get a better monitor.
    Thank you and sorry if this isn't the right thread to ask this question.

    Ps: Also, should I be considering the Unity stuff that's coming next year?

  2. 2 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    "Foreign" usually means the nationality of the players, not where they play

    It says "foreign-based", so I thought a player might be foreign but since he is "based" in Greece (by playing football there) it might be ok.
    I guess that's what I get for rushing to start the save without altering all I needed to in the editor.

  3. Untitled.jpg.8512bb720b599d970a5a54cefb3457f0.jpg

    2nd Season in the Greek League.
    Does "foreign-based" mean players from clubs outside of Greece or any foreign players (even if they play for a Greek club)?
    Basically what I'm asking is for example, will a Greek club be able to loan 10 Brazilians to another Greek club without issue?

    Ps: Registration rules are a non issue for me as I've removed them with the editor.

  4. To be clear, I'm not trying to find a way to make infinite shouts.
    I just want it to work as it did in previous FMs.
    I always know what shout I want to make and in previous games I used to hover over the button and click it the moment it appeared.
    Now there's an extra click to make and it wastes time.
    It was perfect the way it was and it's kind of annoying that they "fixed" it when it was never "broken".

  5. I realize that this is probably a common request but I would like to add my voice to it and express how important I believe this to be. It is becoming more and more common amongst modern managers to completely alter their formation when transitioning from the defending phase to the attacking one. Prevalent examples are Nagelsmann's Leipzig and Pep's City. Both of them frequently use a flat 4-4-2(or 4-4-1-1) in defence which turns into a 3-4-3 in attack.  I know that there are some ways in the game to achieve some of this. For example you can use a Half-Back to go from 4-3-3 in defence to a 3-4-3 in attack. Or you can use an asymmetric system. Unfortunately, the first way I described is very limited and the second restricts you to asymmetry.

    To provide an example of what I'd love to see in the game I've uploaded a GIF .

    As you can see in the gif, in this setup the Left-Back and Right-Mid perform different duties in defence, but the exact same in attack. Same goes for the Left-Mid with the Right-Striker, as well as, the Left-CB with the Right-Back.

    One way to do this would be to introduce various more roles such as a Full-Back that tucks in and becomes part of a 3 (not an Inverted WB-D because that role performs like a DM).
    While this is definitely something worth considering, I wouldn't say it is optimal, because it still limits you to the roles provided by the game.

    The best way IMO would be a big rework which would separate the two phases and allow you to have the exact formations you want in defence and attack. I understand that this is a huge undertaking and includes all sorts of considerations (like for example ME exploitability and the creation of unbeatable/unrealistic tactics).

    In any case, I would like to hear peoples' takes on this and If you have any additional suggestions it would be even better.

    Ps: This video is also a brilliant showcase of Pep's Bayern defending in a 4-1-4-1 and attacking in a 3-4-3 with a diamond midfield. As far as I'm aware it is impossible to replicate faithfully in the current version of the game.

  6. On 09/03/2021 at 03:23, Enyu said:

    better customize the skin, by combining several available skin parts


    There is no way I know how to do that. :lol:
    Is there a link for this to try out?

    Anyway guys my update is that I've tried several skins since making this post (including those suggested here), and nothing really seems to have made a difference.
    I went to the ophthalmologist recently and got prescribed new glasses.
    I'm hoping they'll do the trick when they arrive.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    Unfortunately most skins seem to cram more into every screen rather than less. You mentioned wanting a dark skin but have you tried the white skins? Apparently people who get sore eyes say it is very good at reducing that.

    I didn't know that was a thing.
    I actually thought the opposite was true.
    It's definitely worth a try.

    I'm gonna give it a try but I remember from way back that I found white skins to be too bright.

  8. If this isn't the right subforum I apologize and request that a mod move the topic.

    Well guys it happened. I finally reached the age at which playing my favourite game has become a strain on my eyes.
    Getting old jokes aside, I realized lately that playing FM for more than an hour makes my eyes sting and dry. Now, I could of course reduce my playing time but that is a ridiculous proposition.
    Thus, I am looking for a skin. For years I have been using the brilliant TCS skin without any issue, but this year it feels like everything is too small.
    I know I can use the preferences to increase "Size Of Text & Images" but that option makes various panels etc. disappear.

    Basically I'm looking for a dark skin along the lines of TCS, but one that has a bigger font and crams info so that panels and other stuff don't disappear.

    Thank you!

    Ps: I cannot live without the attribute analysis polygon so any skin that removes or changes it drastically is a no-go.

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