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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Does anyone have any tips on how to make the game process for longer? I have the 'fewer processing breaks' option on but it seems to make no benefit. I also auto continue after 5 secs but it will still, in occasion, have 4 breaks for no reason in a single day. I don't want to set to 'go on holiday' all the time because that doesn't stop for player discussions, and you can't always revisit them, so can end up with an unhappy squad. You should be able to set which messages break the processing and only return for those. I can't believe this isn't possible after all these years. I hope I'm missing something simple but doubt it.
  2. The pop-up never works for me. Never has (for years). Even if I pause the game as soon as a pen is being checked the popup selection never registers. I can sometimes change through tactics if I pause the game quick enough
  3. Wish I hadn't read this thread. I came here hoping for some glimmer of hope but nope. In fact I'm more aware than ever of these horrendous shortcomings. In addition to the terrible stadiums, the godawful copy and paste crowds and the exact same trophy celebration scenes are depressing. The fact these haven't changed since FM22 is beyond a joke.
  4. There are normally are players well placed, or the risk of the defenders scoring an OG is worth putting it in. I don't think it's an ME issue either, not saying that. I just don't know what setup will get the result I want, which is for my players to fire the ball across goal when they're in that position. I'll try the role changes suggested and taking off 'work into the box' to see if it helps. Thanks for the replies
  5. When playing IW I often see them get into great positions just inside the box but instead of putting it across goal they turn back and play it to the edge of the box (or pass to a player even further away from goal) or they shoot from a ridiculous angle. I know the IW role is to cut back but IRL a player wouldn't waste such obviously easy crosses. It's frustrating seeing such good chances passed up regularly. I've tried using Wingers but found they don't get into the right positions. Same for AP. I've tried 'cross more often' and 'shot less often'. None of these changes it. Normally I have them with Attack (as they don't seem to get into the right positions on support). This even happens when the player is Either footed (or they're a right footed player, playing on the right as an IW). So it isn't foot preference. Does anyone know the best setup for wide AM that brings them narrow and high but makes them fire crosses across goal? For info normally play SK(s) WB(s or a), BPD, CD, WB (d or s) HB or DM DLP or RPM, BBM IW(a) IW(a or s) AF or DLF(a) I use 'press more often' and high line. Normally with Counter Press but not always Counter. Shorter passing, more urgent/quicker. Low crosses. Work into box. Normally no over/under lapping but sometimes experiment with them.
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