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Posts posted by vacuumcat

  1. Does anyone have any tips on how to make the game process for longer?

    I have the 'fewer processing breaks' option on but it seems to make no benefit. 

    I also auto continue after 5 secs but it will still, in occasion, have 4 breaks for no reason in a single day. 

    I don't want to set to 'go on holiday' all the time because that doesn't stop for player discussions, and you can't always revisit them, so can end up with an unhappy squad. 

    You should be able to set which messages break the processing and only return for those. 

    I can't believe this isn't possible after all these years. 

    I hope I'm missing something simple but doubt it. 

  2. Wish I hadn't read this thread. I came here hoping for some glimmer of hope but nope. In fact I'm more aware than ever of these horrendous shortcomings. 

    In addition to the terrible stadiums, the godawful copy and paste crowds and the exact same trophy celebration scenes are depressing. The fact these haven't changed since FM22 is beyond a joke. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Aandy said:

    Have you looked at note the positions of players in the box who you would expect to receive these cut backs? Could be that your striker is marked meaning the pass isn't on, so the ball goes back to a player who is in space.

    Perhaps consider changing one of the IW to an IF, or the BBM to a CM on attack so that you have another body in the box and not leaving the striker so easily marked.

    I personally have not noticed this as being an issue in my game, so I don't think it's a match engine issue.

    There are normally are players well placed, or the risk of the defenders scoring an OG is worth putting it in. 

    I don't think it's an ME issue either, not  saying that. I just don't know what setup will get the result I want, which is for my players to fire the ball across goal when they're in that position. 

    I'll try the role changes suggested and taking off 'work into the box' to see if it helps. 

    Thanks for the replies

  4. When playing IW I often see them get into great positions just inside the box but instead of putting it across goal they turn back and play it to the edge of the box (or pass to a player even further away from goal) or they shoot from a ridiculous angle. 

    I know the IW role is to cut back but IRL a player wouldn't waste such obviously easy crosses. It's frustrating seeing such good chances passed up regularly.

    I've tried using Wingers but found they don't get into the right positions. Same for AP. I've tried 'cross more often' and 'shot less often'. None of these changes it.

    Normally I have them with Attack (as they don't seem to get into the right positions on support).

    This even happens when the player is Either footed (or they're a right footed player, playing on the right as an IW). So it isn't foot preference. 

    Does anyone know the best setup for wide AM that brings them narrow and high but makes them fire crosses across goal? 


    For info normally play


    WB(s or a), BPD, CD, WB (d or s) 

    HB or DM

    DLP or RPM, BBM

    IW(a)                    IW(a or s) 

    AF or DLF(a) 

    I use 'press more often' and high line. Normally with Counter Press but not always Counter. 

    Shorter passing, more urgent/quicker. 

    Low crosses. Work into box.

    Normally no over/under lapping but sometimes experiment with them.

  5. I posted this in a different thread earlier...


    I'm finding the game unrealistic but not too easy. I'm not losing enough but every game is tough - so it's not massively enjoyable.

    I created a new journeyman save (no badges, lowest level profile). Got a job with Yeovil. Used my own tactics and adapted set-pieces. 

    Won Vanarama National in 2nd season, won League 2 immediately after (with a record points haul), now ten games into league 1 and in the play-off places. Have beaten multiple prem and championship teams in cups.

    Have used free tfrs and loans but really can't get anyone insanely good to join.

    My main formation has changed for each league. 4-4-2, then 4-2-3-1, now 4-1-2-3.

    It's not full gegen - it's counter and counter press but pressing urgency isn't full, I don't prevent short goal kicks and don't engage until the middle third. Play a high line but not offside trap (use a cb on cover). 

    I don't smash many opponents. Just grind out results.

    It doesn't feel too easy during the season - I get very frustrated during games but still get wins or draws. Now I look back on overall progress and think it's just way too unrealistic.

  6. I'm finding the game unrealistic but not too easy. I'm not losing enough but every game is tough - so it's not massively enjoyable.

    I created a new journeyman save (no badges, lowest level profile). Got a job with Yeovil. Used my own tactics and adapted set-pieces. 

    Won Vanarama National in 2nd season, won League 2 immediately after (with a record points haul), now ten games into league 1 and in the play-off places. Have beaten multiple prem and championship teams in cups.

    Have used free tfrs and loans but really can't get anyone insanely good to join.

    My main formation has changed for each league. 4-4-2, then 4-2-3-1, now 4-1-2-3.

    It's not full gegen - it's counter and counter press but pressing urgency isn't full, I don't prevent short goal kicks and don't engage until the middle third. Play a high line but not offside trap (use a cb on cover). 

    I don't smash many opponents. Just grind out results.

    It doesn't feel too easy during the season - I get very frustrated during games but still get wins or draws. Now I look back on overall progress and think it's just way too unrealistic.

  7. Feedback :

    1. The in game feedback (info from asst manager) isn't good. I feel totally disconnected to what my team is doing. 

    For example, the graphic on passing is useless. After 15 mins it is so cluttered with passes it is just a mess. You can't tell anything from it.

    It feels like things are fired too fast and none really give an impression of what's happening on the pitch. 

    The tactical alterations I make are just guesses. Rather than informed decisions. 

    2. Get far too many suggestions to sub players (about 5 each half)

    3.  [this might be a defect] Need more stages of condition statuses. Agree with moving away from % but need a couple more increments between ok, good, perfect.

    I find some star players aren't in my suggested XI even tho their health shows green. I play them and 15 mins in they're yellow and being suggested to be subbed.

    So the asst mgr knows they're not healthy enough but the condition view is not precise enough to let me know.

    4. Skin is way too dark. It is overbearing and really hurts my eyes. Need a lighter, softer skin option.

    5. [possible defect] Have general passing short, specific player instruction short and play out of defence. GK and CBs keep hoofing balls. 


  8. Apologies if already listed (have searched but couldn't find it). 

    Even with 'fewer processing breaks' enabled there is too much stop/start between games. 

    I use the 'go on holiday' feature between a lot of games but it drives me mad when I return and find a player raised an issue but now it seems like I've ignored them. 

    It either needs to be treated as a bug - you should be returned from holiday if a first team player has an issue (or be able to take a call from them). As discussed here https://community.sigames.com/topic/345986-going-on-holiday/

    Or (my preference) a feature to keep the game processing until a set date but you're not actually on holiday. It only returns from processing if there is an 'important' action for you. You should be able to configure these actions. 

    Squad registration 

    Player conversations

    Training advice 

    Tactical talks

    Player injury treatment choice


    Should all be selectable. 

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