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Eoin Maguire

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261 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


  • Biography
    Republic of Ireland🍀🇮🇪


  • Interests
    Bit a Gym💪, bit a footy⚽, bit of FM💻🖥️🖱️

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  • Favourite Team
    Manchester United

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  1. That's an incredibly terrible way of using a roadmap lmao
  2. They released just a release date and a road map and the road map has ONE date on it. SI really are shameless. It's gonna be October and we will have not seen anything from the new ME or UI. What a joke man
  3. It's disingenuous to ask for pre orders if they haven't shown anything from the new ME or how the new UI works/looks, they know that some people will buy the game regardless, but that's not the point, it's insulting customers intelligence.
  4. So today is the day. If we don't see any match engine or how the UI works/flows today, it will be a terrible sign as to where SI are at rn with 25. The fact that pre orders are scheduled to start today suggests that they should be showing stuff that will make people want to buy the game (new ME/UI etc), but if they don't show us any of that and still expect pre orders, that shows a lack of care for the customer and that they just expect people to buy the game regardless of what state it's in. I really hope it's not the latter...
  5. I sent in a bug report in FM23 as Oldhams kits weren't working properly and they only fielded the home kit (I was planning on a long term save with them). They looked at it and told me to "wait until the next release as it's not a priority", this was in May btw. Don't expect small things to be fixed unless it's "a priority", this company don't care about customer satisfaction and won't fix bugs that are glaring mid-way through a cycle unless it's absolutely gamebreaking.
  6. I remember reading this post you made, and well you were proven 100% right. I have no hope for FM25 too, and why should I?
  7. No changes to the ME at all for this main data update is WILD. Gotta focus all the energy on FM25 though aye... SI always find new ways to shock us in a negative manner.
  8. Am I the only one that thinks that SIs communication policy is terrible and works in ways other dev teams just don't? It's the 23rd of February and there has not been a single word on the Winter Update, what they want to change, when will it be out (approx). The last update (only a minor one) was the beginning of December, this game has a 12 month cycle... It really baffles me to how two FMs ago the Winter Update was already out by now and two years later it's the same time and nothing, not even communication. It just seems to get worse every year at this stage. For the life of me I can't understand why a dev team don't communicate directly to their consumer, it's just "here it is, we did this, see you in 7 months". If anybody can tell me another dev team that works like that then I will be surprised...
  9. Laughable isn't it? A football management simulator and a KEY aspect like scouting is broken 4 months into a 12 month cycle... And many more aspects (interactions particularly) are also broken for the most part...
  10. I have this issue. It happens when you schedule a game for the II team and u19s etc on the same day and the inbox message selection screen comes up and both are together. You can click the first one but if you click the 2nd straight after, it will stutter or freeze and you'll have to back out of the inbox. You can use the spacebar to kind of override this problem but it still stutters for a couple of seconds. @Zachary Whyte
  11. Yeah I'm in my 5th season, I've won the UEL and my team is incredible, I also have the best regen wonderkid in the game, so the context is based on that.
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