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Everything posted by niguez

  1. Dont normally post much on these forums even though ive been here for ages. But i thought i should say that this tactic is the best and most realistic ive come across in a long time. I was using one of the Knap tactics for a while, but grew tired of the overpowered nature because i could anticipate every goal as it unfolded in the 3d pitch. It made me tired of the game actually, even though i tried to tweak these knap tactics to not be that crazy overpowered. I switched to this tactic mid season actually and it is not that punishing as some would probably expect given the OPs clear instructions (or commandments). For my part i dont use the double training anymore, and use far less pre season games. I usually plan a realistic pre season in order to get a decent amount of league games pr season out of my players. I like chasing club records. It took a few games into the next season this way - but when your familiarity is around 90% you should begin to see the magic. I used one of Fuss' tactics on FM18 (i think) and this reminds of that one. Beautiful, varied football. But it requires some know how and experience to make it work faster. Its by no means a plug n play, probably the furthest tactic from it on these forums. But its highly recommended if youre looking for a realistic tactic that is nice to watch unfold.
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