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Posts posted by PeterC86

  1. 9 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    This, and it's tiresome people deliberately misrepresenting stuff. It needs to stop or action will be taken as described 

    My responses are not really directed at you.

    I know you are only doing this out of passion for the game, and you are doing the best you can in the situation that is presented to you! Thanks for taking up that role!

    My responses are aimed at the people in charge in the company. They have put you in this position, which is causing frustrations at your end, as well as at the end of the customer. It would be great if you could make them aware of this.

  2. Hi,

    I just opened an account here to let you know my concerns about the fm series. Long time fan here playing since 97/98.

    First of, although I know you are running a business, which runs on money, but giving long time players only a 10% discount on the new version is just not cutting it. There are just not enough improvements each year to merit a 40+ euro investment. Even from a business perspective you could do better. Let me explain; now I just skip 1 or even 2 versions because it is not cheap and the improvements don't justify the investment. So now, in 5 years you make 120 euro max of me. If I get 30 or 40 percent off, I would buy it every year and you will make the same or more money, and have a more satisfied customer. I have a Master Degree in Business Administration, please contact me if you are interested in hiring me.

    Now about the lack of improvements, the thing which bothers me the most in the series in the last couple of years, as it makes the game too easy and unrealistic in the long haul, is the AI for squad building. The opposition is often not able to buy and build a decent squad, too many strikers.... no right backs... and sofort. This makes the game just too easy and unrealistic (except from high expectations from the board).

    Also, the transfer market is still under par (although improved a bit). You are still able to buy top players for cheap (which are not unhappy or have short contracts). This also adds to the game being too easy and unrealistic. I hope you are able to improve this, as I am losing my interest in the game because of this. I already saw in the videos on youtube on FM20 that this is also the case in this version, so I dont think I am going to buy it again this year.

    The problems above I see as major, and I guess that a lot of people are annoyed by it. So instead of putting the money and attention to creating new shiny 'features' to help and sell the game, this is just short-sighted and almost an insult, as I guess that most of us are not dumb.

    Luckily you were able to improve the match engine in the patches in FM19, but I also see some work to be done here, to make the game more realistic and improve the joy in the game. I still see sliding goalkeepers and wingers just walking past a back without an action. Its 2019 now! Some attention could also be turned on the graphics of the stadium and how it is presented in matches. But these are second to the first problems I mentioned.

    The club vision system looks like a nice new feature for long-term games, if it works out well.

    Thank you.

    (edit) I want to add that the 4-1-2-2-1 (or 4-3-3 with the point towards the back, or how you want to call it) system, which a lot of AI managers in the game use, works just too defensive in the game. Strong clubs who play this system are greatly underperforming because of this. This mainly comes from the MC's not playing high enough on the pitch in an Advanced Playmaker role. There is no way in this role to get them to go further forward. Also a major problem for the game being too easy. Besides this, I find the tactical system still a bit rigid with the roles and their limitations. If I am manager at a Club, I decide how the youngsters are going to play. But I can imagine that this is not easy to improve.

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