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98 "There's no crying in baseball"



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  1. I have modified the name for the 2025 version, I have also added the portuguese nationality. Thans for the information, highly appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the information, has been modified towards 2025 version!
  3. Again, The leagues are amateur leagues. Teams are amateur teams. as Belgian FA sources, guideline books of clubs & competitions specify. Individual players can have pro contracts, but no data available upon that. This won't be reversed, unless you can prove me on inividual teams that they are pro teams. Upon valid sources, (no Wiki or TM).
  4. not on Wiki sources. ACFF/Voetbalvlaanderen Book B/Title 3/ Clubs & Title 7 / Competitions. If proof given of individual teams being sth else I can modify on that behalf. problems with funding and budgets/wages not at this moment
  5. thanks for flagging! Has been added for the 25 update. All input is highly appreciated
  6. Has been adjusted , but won't be in 24 updates.
  7. Again, the tone of your arguement is not really 'friendly'. They are equal to Cercle upon season untill 2023/2024. These will only change after the season has finished, Same goes for caps, first matches and so on. Reputations of clubs don't get changed during the year. Start of the game is june 2023, so that is the 'photograph-date'. All above mentioned criteria do not get updated. There is a way higher (20 points) PA for Union in the behind the scenes input. So the margin of becoming a bigger club is way higher. Players (especially 1st team) did get an update. Upon calculating the general reputaion ingame way more stuff is taken in credit. fanbase, stadium, trophies, history, etc..
  8. As the division is named, these are amateur teams. Contracts at individual basis are not at hand. If you can present me official data par player, I will modify where necessary.
  9. Players have already been updated for the winter update Reputation doesn't get updated on behalf of a season, take note that potential reputation of USG is higher than the one of Cercle. I've modified the city data upon your findings for 2025 edition. And might I suggest a friendlier approach for requesting / helping out for data? Always welcome to help and improveme the database.
  10. finances are added upon Bank of Belgium data. If not solved with my changes, it is not a data problem, but game related.
  11. the changes are concerning teams starting from 4th tier.
  12. teams have been set as amateur (which they are), wages players set to 0 (as amateur). I hope this solves it, if not, it wil be a non data-issue.
  13. Great Job! I've modified where needed, Will be in the winter update
  14. I'll modify the staff mentioned. Karetsas, Manguelle and all those who turned 16 after 01/09/2023 won't be included into the game due to legal reasons. Contracts are included
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