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Posts posted by erfocacciaro

  1. I'd like to say no; compared to last year's game, FM21 is a better game, especially if we compare it to fm20 in its early stages.
    Despite this, I must say a strong yes; the game could become very easy because of some weakness in ME. Many matches/situations are solved by longballs, GK no sense assists, super-effective killer balls on badly positioned opponents(in particular after a throw-in), and many other little things that, if exploited, and some times neither intentionally, leaves an overall feeling like: "I move the horse on G3, now it's to you" - " T -0, Tactical missiles liftoff. Anyway, well played dude". I mean guys, i like the game, i support the francise and i appreciated all this year improvements but it's december, this is a "one shot" AAA game; we cannot wait 6 months, almost every year, before having a stable and enjoyable prodouct.

  2. Hi guys, i'm sorry to inform you that looks like the issue is showing up again.
    Once you've reached the time window for player registration, every free agent player becomes unable to join until January.

    "The transfer will happen on Monday 4 January because the player has not been released before the end of the last global market window, so he's not allowed to join your team during this actual one".

    I sent you the save, search for: Perugia_test


  3. Don't worry, I was not referring to you in particular(or to anyone else), I'm also very sorry if my last post would sound aggressive or rude; sometimes language barriers can be tricky, my intention was totally different.
    I specified the nature of the topic because I saw some posts more related to "How it feels difficult compared to.." rather than "How the ME/players behavior feels, etc..", only that.
    Your contribution is most welcome.

  4. A moment please, the difficulty is not the point here, I'm perfectly ok with it; It's only the ME that gives me a completely different feeling compared to the beta, I was curious to know if anyone else is experiencing the same.
    The ME felt brilliant, a lot improved and the best in years for sure, now it's still good but not as it was before; I noticed some ghost from fm20. This not because "my tactic doesn't work anymore" or "I can't dominate my league", the reasons are listed in my first post.
    However, judging from the post linked by HUNT3R, nothing has really changed in the ME, just some tweaks relate to other aspects of the game so, I've to deduce that's everything is due to a wrong impression or I've to change my tactic approach/keep playing for some more.

  5. Hey guys, I was wondering, how has been changed the ME for the full release?
    The other day I started a fresh new career, the first with the full game, but I had a strange feeling about the ME.

    In the beginning, I thought that was due to the tactic, the team did not master it yet, so I waited to see some other matches but, after 6-7 friendlies and some cup matches, it was clear that there's something different in the players' behavior on the pitch. Maybe it's just a wrong impression, but I started to see many things that remind me of FM20.
    In general, compared to the beta, the AI defensive phase looks better: They do a more intelligent gegepressing, marks tightly, and negate the space in a more efficient way. Moreover, they seem less passive. On the other side, the number of killer balls looks highly decreased, the AMF are often stuck between the lines again, the players are less reactive and, the "activation" line, where the offensive Forwards start attacking the space, looks moved ahead of several meters.
    Too many through balls during the beta?
    Don't get me wrong I know how the negative space/space negation/space manipulation works in football and, as I said before, perhaps this could be just a wrong impression, but I'm curious to know what kind of changes have been implemented on the ME.


  6. 21 hours ago, G_D_K said:

    edit:  And for advice pop-ups in full match mode --- please make them persist just a bit longer --- I often miss them.  Then, I have to go to a highlight mode (which is kind of counter to my play-style :P) just to look at the dugout to see what I missed.

    Perhaps add the advice to the huge empty notable events window at the bottom?  With perhaps the latest advice showing, and arrows to cycle thru any previous advice popups?

    Yes, i was thinking the same.
    Something like this should work ok, functional and very space saving. -A click to display the dugout advices list and another to go back to the notable events-.Prova_20201125163706_1.thumb.jpg.b118ec59ddcf0a9fec94c9776a9b8f09.jpg

  7. 3 hours ago, Jack Deal said:

    It goes transparent here so that you don't have it obscure the action. You can resize the width of it so it takes up less space and is less likely to be made transparent. I can see how in this case it's frustrating, but we feel it's the lesser of two evils to have it like this - you can have it open during highlights to read while the ball is elsewhere, and not have it block the action when it takes place there.

    The dugout advice pop-ups will still appear in the bottom left when they are generated, but I do appreciate the point that you can't get back to view what's been sent through if you miss that. It's something we'll raise with the design team as feedback.

    Hi Jack, thanks for your reply.
    I understand your point, it has sense, and I'm pretty sure that your team takes choices only after accurate evaluations. In my opinion, this is the exact kind of situation where the coin has 2 sides, both equally true; I don't see any point in choosing one rather than the other. Why should we when we can have both?

    The touchline tablet is a great idea, a big step ahead from the "widgets inside a folder", and I like its concept because it provides all the needed information in a smart, elegant, and well-ordered way.
    The only cons, as you said, is its size that covers half of the pitch, potentially concealing the action and disturbing the view.

    But it's equally true that when I open a "stats and tabs" folder it's because I want to look at these tabs; in that very moment, my attention, my priority goes to gathering the information I need rather than watching what's happening on the pitch.
    Moreover, there are situations where this becomes impossible, or if not impossible, pretty uncomfortable.

    A good example is when my team is closing the opponents on their side of the pitch but I'm still unable to score(or vice versa). That is the exact kind of situation where I need the info but I can't get them immediately or easily.

    As you said, I can choose the width of this tool, another smart feature, but when I go to reduce its size, I'm also depowering its efficiency as a smart tool.

    In conclusion, by Just adding a trigger [transparent/opaque] inside the touchline tablet, we can archive both goals: Max visive quality and a very smart way to get the info when necessary. It's a win-win situation.

    Yes, i know, this post has been a painful experience; you're a brave man.

  8. Guys, I really appreciated the new UI, you did a great job, but it looks working well just with the "match highlights" modality.

    This is what happens when you're trying to read some stats while watching the entire match... Until the ball is under the tab, You can't literally see anything and this becomes frustrating because it's clear that I opened the touchline tablet for reading some informations or analytics. Please, reverts it as it was during the beta; Now we have the same problem of the old widgets but in giant size.

    Moreover, the lack of dugout menù is a problem too. You can't have access to the list of your second's suggestions.


  9. Hi guys, I apologize for this topic because, to be honest, I don't know if this is an issue, a  bug in the database, or something realistic caused by the coronavirus.

    I'm playing a test career with Perugia, in the Italian Serie C, and I notice that many free-agent players are unable to join my team during the first window; they result: "released after the end of the last window and then unable to aggregate to the team in this actual one.". Moreover, this seems mostly happen with players that played the last season in Italy and Holland while teams from other countries, from what I could see, have no problem signing them.

    These are some screens as examples, if necessary I can provide others.



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