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247 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. For anybody who is intererested - or will search for the same issue: When creating a club in Football Manager, if you chose to "add a player" to your team when creating the roster, every added player will be immediately considered a "Star player" agreed playtime. So don't fill/add the backup players to your roster, only the real stars you know will play every game.
  2. As I could not get into the game yet due the issues constantly highlighted in the forums, I thought will create a team and play at a higher division for the first time... usually I am bored/disinterested before reaching a top 5 league so it should be fun to manage a player I am familiar with IRL 😄. Imagine a backstory, replace one team in the Serie A (Monza). Based on the squad budget, sign players I adore IRL, using a strategy and depth chart already in my head: Calafiori, Di Gregorio, Baldanzi, Pessina and Lucca for a strong young Italian core... Some older veterans for experience for 1 or max 2 seasons: Pjanic, Alioski, Insigne. Karius as a cup goalie for for the memes. Flair on the attacking, side: Jesper Karlsson and Akram Afif. Decent young backups and wonderkids: Omorodion and Bardghji. From the remaining budget, mostly balkan veterans as backups. After spending hours in preparations, guess what I am over the wage budget by 25%...okay, I realise that they bring their original contracts wage so Pjanic and Afif are almost earning double what the others. But wait...random 33 old serbian 3rd choice left back and Karius agreed playing time: Star player. Same for Omoridion. At least other 12+ player with this status or important player. Check other save, their contract at original club are either squad player or for Karius: backup goalkeeper. Be utterly disappointed that there is seemingly no logic on what agreed playing time will be when you "sign" the player from another club when you create a club. Yet the salary comes with the original amount???? Completely ruins the immersion and no I will not buy the editor to modify the status of offered contract or remove unhappiness. Another function that is not working. Or if there is a way of checking during the player picking (not the draft, squad assign screen) on what will be the agreed playing time, please let me know. There is a column that shows the current aggreed playing time e.g. Backup for Karius, but he was at Star player when my save starts at the fictional club. I imagine the broken reputation system has to do something with it, but again why then Omorodion expects to be a star player when in every aspect Lucca is rated higher then him, or my 3rd choice LB over Alioski and a current national team player?
  3. At this point I'm convinced that IRL football is just a cheap simulation/projection of the FM match engine. Goalie blunders (Hamburg derby, Onana), strikers scoring bicycle kicks (Garnacho, Auba) and trivelas (Wes Burns) left and right , stoppage time goals mostly (PL or Roma in general) and scorelines that represent hockey matches...just in the past 2 weeks. Down on the line, give us a few months and we will be complaining about the unrealistic under 8 goals/matches or no acrobatic stunners or inexplicable own goals in every game based on this nonsense going on in the football world currently . And for sure FM stimulates the referee/VAR decision on a way superior level than the incompetence we see on an average weekend on the coverage.
  4. But is a bad or a good one? Either we get it early today, or there will be no minor one before the usual winter update. I have my concern with the recent communication and how bug fixes have been handled, so my guess this is the "erase the evidence" of the promise itself. SI prove me wrong for being a negative man!
  5. I'm pretty sure saw some test before on this and if I remember correctly the composure, technique and in-game body language were more significant then the Pen attribute. Didn't make sense for me neither at that time, but I now believe more the community test result than what the in-game descriptions are after the countless experiments done to prove how broken some things are (that we thought were working as intended).
  6. Anyone knows if the Argentina title issue can be fixed in the pre-game editor or if this corrected with any available modified Argentina community league files on workshop or external sites? That and the Spain registration issue is the one holding back to start my save
  7. Argentine/Serbia/Spain are the biggest problem (and MLS AI of course) and some European competitions need scheduling fixes, but you should be okay with England.
  8. Now that is a feature that I would enjoy... like a 195cm 20 agression 20 tackling slavic CB having the NFL defensive-linemen type face paint .
  9. Happy moany Monday! Thinking we should start an "Official Patch speculation" thread on when it comes out? Looking forward to be able to start my save, waiting for the current fixes for: - Argentine league title fixing - Spain league registration issues (connected to wage cap) - Player depth and playing time moaning (though the latter might be the user error of not understanding what Squad player status means) - Ridiculous contract demands - J-League rules and licensing - Serbian League EU rules fixing (that is a 1 actually a 1 minute thing in a pregame editor so it is inexcusable not having a hot-fix for this) - Excessive xG over performance (unreal conversion rate for every team). Until these are patched, the game is not playable for me and I am a victim of a 55EUR scam sadly. I can't play casually to enjoy the beautiful ME just for the sake of it when the immersion is burned to the ground with the underlying systematic problems. Further improvements that I would personally expect but not believe will be able to be fixed due SI proved to be focusing on FM25: - AI rotation and subs - improved AI squad building as falsely advertised headline feature (signing players then releasing them after not using) - Ex-Saudi players wage demands staying in the oil-money range after being released - Broken player promises (since introduction actually, but the nowhere to be seen 2000 new lines for sure messed up the things that were almost acceptable).
  10. Reputation is too overpowered for years now. Being a CL semifinal contender in Croatia will not reach a Premier Leauge mid-table reputation in SI's view. About the "player not for sale", it is not an option. There is always a bigger fish. For the past 10 years straight the financial bully was the PL, now they got and the wrong end on the stick with the Saudi League... But you will never be able to hold on the a star player in fhe Central/Eastern European leagues, simply because of the domestic completion is not high level enough due the reputation above else and secondly the money the league has. That is why the 150-300M transfer values for players introduced in FM23 were/are, the bigger fish money. You can buy Salah for 300m, even if he is not for sale. Welcome to late stage capitalism 😁. At the moment IRL also nobody can compete with the annual 100+ million free TV money in the PL, or the marketing pull of Real/Barca/Bayern and the oil money from the Middle East. These clubs/leagues can and will buy anyone decent enough for their aspirations as they are financially above the other top divisions. This is probably the most realistic feature in the game currently (though the Saudi money is a bit overpowered).
  11. Wasn't this the one issue actually fixed according to the patch notes? I see it on stream as well, lollujo playing 4-2-3-1 with 5 CB in the team, 16 player unhappy that it is not enough depth. Signs a 6th (during the contract offer one FB was kicking up a fuzz because he was upset about loss of a playing time lol) .... and he added youth players and now having 10 CB for the 2 position. Yet they are still unhappy, 16 player (the whole first team). Or this does not apply to save games, only in case of starting a new one? Meaning that without the editor to remove the unhappiness, the game is unplayable at the current state? Good thing they raised the price of it because inflation and resources and new functions that it needed (right? ). So we should not believe the patch notes anymore (like the UI in the game). At this point FM24 should be made and open-source community-funded project as some modders would surely fix these in weeks, as they have actual passion and incentive (not financial) to do so... and I am not talking about the developers who are actually working on the game (I'm sure they do their best), but probably above in the real corporate levels. I actually hate myself on how I behave on this forum, but I can literally not write anything positive.... and trying to provide constructive criticism is proven to not have any results, just look at the state of the bug tracker for years now.
  12. Fixed it to represent us hardcore players . Anyone who manages outside of a top 5 league team and understands the deeper mechanics in the game (so are NOT the target audience) are here on the forums complaining and bug reporting and think that the current state of the game is unplayable for long-term. While the other 95% of the players base is just happy that their Premier League team, with transferred wonderkids (downloaded shortlist so they don't touch scouting) and gegenpress (or downloaded tactic) scores 4-5 goals each match and runs the league. Now "luckily" the casuals also realised some of the bugs (player interactions, lack of depth, GK injuries, etc) within their first season so now they are also starting to leave negative reviews, so at least it is more visible.
  13. Does the HOYD preferred formation has wingers? That is usually why as they don't care what system YOU want to use or have in the tactic screen, they live in their own preferred little world and recruit players whom they would use if he/she would be the manager.
  14. Either I can't barely understand English, or neither of these answer options make any sense for the issue raised. FM25 has to be a generational game with flawless release next year to pull SI out of this mess what they created with this version (actually since FM18). The ME is really good, but anything below that shiny surface is way too complex for anyone to understand at this point, this is why they can't fix simple bugs. I so badly want this game to be so good, but how can I have any hope or trust in going forward with this many unsolved issues that after the Unity change it will not be even worse?
  15. I just had a non-league centre back playing with a bunch of greyed out players against me score a 35 yard screamer in our relegation playoff game from free kick, proper top bin shot and all. I went to offer him a contract after the game rigth away - as I can't sign anyone due being in SWE Div 4 he will be good for me anyway for 80EUR/week part time. He is not arrived yet at the club but I can see the ranges now (attribute masking for life)... Guess what was his free-kick taking attribute? 2-5, of course. I specifically signed him for just that purpose to have a good long shot set piece taker CB . So just don't trust the attributes (neither your eyes in-game).
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