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Everything posted by eric.van.der.haegen1

  1. it's not in preferences.....there it stands correctly...when i want to add a tactic then i got always the path like the first picture i posted......this is not changed...is just a little annoying....
  2. finally i found it.....when i go to ericv/onedrive like the last picture i can load the tactics , not so urgent now but does anyone know how i can change the path to the last picture , i get now always the bad path when i want to go to tactics
  3. in the last picture i found all the maps including tactics , but also i saw that there's a difference in path....the first is Public , the last shows ericv/Onedrive......
  4. ok , i don't know why i should go to the D-drive...there's nothing there....i always played on the C-Drive.....everything looks ok but in FM23 when i go to load tactics there is nothing to find , here are the tactics in the map tactics,see picture...
  5. i have that folder , but in steam i don't have it ,see the pictures
  6. Hello , downloaded a couple tactics but when i wan't to use them i can't find them.....there on the pc but not in steam.....also different other maps are gone in Steam...someone ?
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